Why be orthodox...? I must say that living in this day and age, there are many religious jews, but so too are there thousands upon thousands who have little to do with the religious world, distance themselves from the Torah community and Torah learning and also enjoy the 'luxuries' and 'feasability' of the reform or conservative movements... Isn't even being conservative "religious enough"???? Surely God was glad that I went to 'temple' or the conservative synagogue, right? Thats good? I'm a good person and I'm a good Jew. I pay my bills, I am educated in the secular world and I have a good job perhaps. I might even marry and have children. So God is very happy with me and theres no reason to consider laws, shabbas observance and even keeping kosher. I like my life and I am healthy. I dont smoke cigarettes and I am fiscally responsible. I work hard. I honor my parents and relatives and have good family relationships. Why do I have to be orthodox.
A simple argument and clearly those of you with this thought process may or may not even read further. I hope that you do. The Universe loves order. Disorder is not the calling of the day. The universe constantly contracts in such a way that order is established. Forget entropy (that the 'universe' moves to disorder. this is only true appearingly of the material universe. This is not true of the Spirutal, mystical and human universe.).
Ok. great. Thanks Craig, the universe is great and fine. Why do you want me to keep reading....
Well. The universe that we enjoy lives for order. And how is this possible? This is possible by us organizing our lives,though maybe not our time schedule. Time is not your job to manage thought it is certainly your privilege to schedule. An unorganized home is not a place that mysticism can relish. This doesn't mean clean your sock drawer every day. But spend a moment once a week or so moving items and fixing your living arrangements so as to increase your living spaces utility.
Great, Craig... you are talking about cleaning my home up and I wanted you to tell me why I need to really listen to a pompous jerk like you and become an "orthodox" jew.
Ok friend, let me proceed.
Hear me out.
Israel was granted Torah for the sole purpose to organize our lives, live by the laws that improve the universe and allow our people to flourish in this world and the world to come. This is essential.
This is scientific as well. Keeping kosher demands that only the purest of mystically spiritual food are entered into your mystical being by means of oral consumption. Keeping the sabbath gives not just rest to your mind and body, but also rests you mystical being. And if you are Jewish, you are a mystical being like every human being, but you are an increasingly religious mystical human being as well.
It is imperative that you attain religious mystical rest. You are mystical and your place in the universe is mystical. This is not so of the non Jew. He is mystical as well, but his day is not guided by the pathway of the prophets and not by the light of Torah. I do believe that being Jewish, you are given the opportunity to shine a light in the world that others can not. I must say that if you do not replenish your spiritual mystical self on a weekly basis, your light wont shine.
Ok, that covers shabbas a little bit, but what else??
Torah gives us laws. Men do not shake hands with non related women. There are laws of family purity. Why follow these? Why seek Jewish Kosher purity. Isn't a woman who just showers after menses clean enough to go about her day? Not quite.
Jewish women must bathe in a mikveh after each menses. This is spiritual purity. The bath of the mikveh which is partially derived from rain waters cleanses your mystical being in a way that you can not achieve in a bath.
The laws of Jewish life are a measure by which we can ensure our place in the mystical universe and ensure that our light as Jews shines on humanity. I must say that all the commands that you know to keep, you need to keep. Study and learn because this is not just your life, it is the health and welfare of the entire universe. Sound silly? No. Its pure science and its truth.
I went from being an unlawabiding Jew who did not know the laws, did not think about the laws and did not share the laws with others to near full observance today. I even keep the laws of not cutting ones peyos, wearing tzitzis outside the house (and inside some of the day), keeping my head covered and daily study. I have increased my library over the past several years. Though I do not read every book daily or to its entirety on its first read, I have knowledge and wisdom to gain and learn. I still have much to improve, though I'd say that as a fellow with a non orthodox life experience to begin with, I am doing quite well.
Thanks for reading this. I hope that those of you who are Jewish find that there is more that you always want to do to improve your mystical and spiritual health as a Jew. Thanks.
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