Friday, February 18, 2011

Feeling like a true Baal Tschuvah

I dont use this term often as it does obviously denote one who was not born into the ways of the Jewish people.  That said, its a term of reference that one should consider if one is not an orthodox Jew from the get go.  I must report that I would have to consider that I am of this persuasion, though I often wonder if the others who are "Frum from birth" consider me to be of such a denomination.  I grew up in a non orthodox, but religious Jewish community.  Professions were important.  Propriety was extolled.  Propriety is a trait that despite perhaps not being a religious community, all Jewish communities hold in high regard.  In fact, I personally believe that a life of propriety in a less than orthodox religious setting is a higher ascension than that of a life of impropriety but kosher and observant.  Well, just a thought.   That said, I now feel that I have on my journey found myself to be one who can stand with those who are of the true orthodox Jewish faith, from birth or for many years and Torah observant to a T.  I may not be entirely observant, for example I did drive on yom tov last year. Perhaps this year I will not.  But that said, I feel I can stand eye to eye with a community that, I will not report to be self righeous or deeming to demand a higher regard, but does in fact have the blessings of Torah that others who do not obey Jewish law do not and can not entirely have.  I feel that I am up to par with the most learned of Jewish persons.   True, I did not grow up on gemarra and will most unlikely have the knowledge or understanding of all of the tractates of Talmud that a yeshiva bachur gains in his education. But, I do have propriety from my experiences.  And now, I do believe I can relate this to Torah learning.  I continue in my aspirations.

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