Monday, February 21, 2011

Teaching Evolution

I must say that I am not one that flips out that a child is educated as to the possibility that our world is millions upon billions of years old.  I myself am fascinated with the scientific inquests to discover the origins or the universe and describe the theories of its origins, whether a big bang or whatever.  Its intriging.  I am Jewish and I will tell you that I do believe in a Creator and that I do believe that the account of the 7 day creation is probably a true accurate situation. I believe in a Creator who can do alot.   Include fooling you into thinking that the universe is billions of years old.  How inconceivable is it that God may have created our planet and the world with a finger print from a possible prehistoric time.   How inconceivable is it that these items we call fossils are a very intelligently designed understructure to the planet in which we live. I say is is very possible.  That is my own belief.  I cant say that I ponder creation, but I ascribe to the Genesis idea that God created the earth and man.  If you believe in evolution you would have to ascribe to the insane idea that a complicated, thoughtful, insightful and industrious creature such as man was indeed an evolutionary turn from the simple slime mold. I was not born yesterday. It makes no sense.  To those who say that Darwin was a heretic, I say this.  Darwin is just one of many who was guided by whatever spirit guides him to discover truth in the universe as he sees it may be given.  He is not ungodly, just confused in that manner.  And its a good thing.  We dont need Darwin to explain Genesis to us.  Let the spirit of scientific discovery fly.  We are not wasting our lives if thats our decision. I do not believe that the Creator of the Universe is angered in any way that someone may find the origins of existence to be baffling. I believe this universe was created to make there be intrigue and wonder.  And thats what creation is about.

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