Friday, February 18, 2011

The Right type of Altruism

When I was 16, I remember looking foward to giving blood for the first time at the Temple's blood drive. It was an opportunity to covet.  It felt like we were really sacrificing our own needs for those of another.  I took up the chance.  I gave a few times in college and somehow managed to have given about 10 units by the time September 11th came around. I admit I only remember giving about 4-5 times before that.  How I had 10 is a mystery to me.  That said, I have in the last year decided to engage in this often and see how many units I may give over the years.  You can give blood every 56 days.  I also as of the past month of January found myself to give platelets for the first time. A tedious process where blood is removed and returned to you every few minutes.  It took about 100 minutes.  I read my kindle and watched the news.   Not a bad situation.  I do plan to try to do this more often. Appearantly you can give platelets every 2 weeks or so.  Funny that when I got home, the first thing I did was cut my thumb pad on a scissor.  Fortunately it did not bleed much at all.  
I am on my 17th unit (including the one platelet donation). I hope to give many more.  It is a honor and priviledge to give blood.   There are many exclusions and if you can give and are healthy, do your due diligence to contribute to life.

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