Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Creed of Theta Chi

I believe in Theta Chi.... The creed that has been handed down in our fraternity since the days of the earliest 20th century.

I must say that this creed is not just a good way of life for those in our fraternity. It has exemplary ideals that any of mankind should strive to include in their personal mission statement. 
I have learned more over the years as to how crucial this small dossier of permanent scholastic and fraternal bonding has effected my own daily living as well as my own ideals for good aspirations and healthy relationships. 
To extol virtue is to bring that which is good into good light. 
To extend a helping hand is not just for our fraternity, everyone should have a helping hand.  Help your fellow neighbor, friend, family and trusting allies.
I hope that people will learn the trust involved in Exacting Harmony.  The universe is a place that strives for harmony.  This is the exact opposite of exacting revenge.  Revenge brings you to sin and makes for pain and suffering.  Exacting harmony is the way that you can fix that which afflict you and others.  Bring people to understand truth, temperance and tolerance.  This gets you where you need to be in life.   If you live by a creed like this one, you can do anything you set out to do, of course with the help of God.
And that is why this creed is so superior to many other creeds Ive explored in the fraternal system.  We make sure that our aim is to serve God , fellow man and country.  This is every citizens dream and dignity.  We must serve our Creator. We must do what is gracious in the eyes of a God that very well does exist.  I do believe that the provenance of our order of fraternal relations is good and strong.  I am proud to be a Theta Chi. I can not imagine how my ideals might be had I never been so blessed to be a brother of this strong, universal, nondiscriminatory order of brothers.   Many thanks!

(click on creed for close up)

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