Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rescuing the Sports Illustrated Swim Suit Issue

I heard that the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue came in the mail the other day.  I must admit that I have never felt a strong affinity to browse the magazine, likely due to the question as to whether such a magazine constitutes an averra as the ladies are not well clad.   This I must admit I have given further consideration.    I found myself ascending the staircase today realizing I was in fact doing a mitzvah by finding the issue in the restroom where it was put in a magazine stand in one of my family members bedrooms.  I had previously had the discussion whereby I decided it was heresy to keep such a magazine in a bathroom stall.  That should be pretty clear.  Though I have removed it, given it a cursory glance, and in fact, relocated the item to the bedroom/office where I do much of my work (to be placed atop a bookshelf above the head).   I hereby must state that it is not a sin to view such a magazine as these ladies are in fact models.   I do realize that it does have some revealing imagery, but this is not a viewing that is being done in a synagogue or holy congregation.   I do not antipate that I will be a frequent viewer, but it is now in my office and I do believe I will keep the magazine here.   Perhaps I will also renew my subscription to sports illustrated next year. This is the first year I have subscribed.  I did find myself browsing the Issues as they came to a minor extent though I can not report that I am so involved to become intrigued by all the details of modern sports.
Now, I will launch into a breif discussion as to why it is not a sin and may in fact be a mitzvah to own a copy of the sports illustrated swimsuit edition.  The swimsuit issue is a magazine that is created with the intent to glamorize and popularize sports viewing.  Sports are a true western and American Culture.  Without culture in America, genuine services given to our people such as military protection, social services, police protection, education and all the like may in fact be taken for granted as we are living in a world where culture does drive industry.   I therefore must concede that ownership of a swimsuit issue of the sports illustrated magazine is in fact a mitzvah where by our culture is being rewarded.   I am still the same fellow who believes that ladies (as well as men) deserve to be presented in a careful and considerate fashion involving modesty.  In fact, in any setting where Torah is discussed, I feel that modesty is the utmost importance.    I do not yet know what the plan is for this 'hot' commodity, but rest assured, I do believe it has found its place in our home.  

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