Thursday, November 24, 2011

Treatment protocols

I must remark here that my comments in the previous two threads will be considered by many to be an act of sabotage or even outright declaration of war against the way of life of a closed and self kept community.
I must admit that the facts are as they may be.  I am a physician and I treat disease.  I must study and acnowledge when something is not working well in the body and so too, I feel that those techniques successfully apply themselves to all other situations including an evaluation and work up of the general community.  I would be amiss as a Jew to let the world be without repair.  Tikkun Olam is our obligation and we must indeed heal the world. 
So I must say that this is an area that I find to be in need of some healing. 
Perhaps some of you will write me some letters and disagree with my assessment.  I will gladly read and respond to your letters. I will likely also post your letters here and my reply for the community to discuss and consider.
I must state that if this was not a consideration, it would not be entered in this blog.  I must say that I do not have a ultra orthodox community in my general location and I do not have any animosity towards any known individual or any negative experience that may be guiding what you may try to classify as a holocuast, but I would suggest to you is really a treatment based on knowledge, experience, practicality and understood Torah Values.

So please be my friend and consider my trust in my profession and my trust in G-d as my guide and my influence in all that I believe I am called to question and do.   So if you can bear with me and forgive me for any turmoil my words have caused in your lives, please regard me as a doctor who wants to see a positive outcome and good health.  
Lets consider what we truly need to do and try to indeed serve G-d as G-d would want to be served.
And if we are selfish or selfassuming, let us examine and question our own ideas and ways.
Thus we can brighten our futures and we can live truly as one Klal Yisrael, where Torah dictates our lifestyle and Torah broadens all of our minds.  

I will go further to state that among those who do not dress in the Black Attire Paradigm, we are not too keen on approaching those in the community who are strong in Torah and would have much to offer to any Jew who is not conscripted in a Strict orthodox Jewish community.  This is a sad situation as you may have much to offer intellectually as well as emotionally and socially that our people do not have and likely never will be able to build in our own homes without the influence of True Torah oriented Jews and True orthodox believers. 
Thus we must come together as a jewish community.
We must find a common ground.
We must be approachable.
And we must do our service to G-d.

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