Monday, March 7, 2011

Trust in God. Trust in your smile, but dont break your leg in the shower.

I am unfortunate perhaps to write the following blog entry, but I do believe that all worlds can be repaired, so fret not, I do not despair more than I can allow in life. 
I have offended a sister of charity in a tone that she did not enjoy. I may or may not be such a fool as to consider this person to be orthodox in their candor.  But that said, I must say that I am not her enemy and I am not going to forget the friendship we had enjoyed at one time in the past.  I am sadly chagrined to report that I personally believe it is not easy for this friend to relive happiness in her life.  I am not able to make peace after a year of active thoughtful banter in a non personal venue. So that said, I can not reshape the order of the day but I can certainly make a charitable contribution to a disability fund in her honor.  This frees me from any heresy that I may have incurred from any of my exaggerated presence in her life with which she does not wish to cope.  Best wishes,  You are a delight to the eye and a coaster to the heart, but you are not friendly in a Trustworthy way in life.  I am going to remember you as a significant relationship I have enjoyed in the online venue.  I trust that you can find the door out of my soul.  Thanks.

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