Saturday, March 12, 2011

Feeling a touch of envy for the lighter

I must say that now that I have accepted that I can indeed use the electricity on shabbas, I found myself walking over to my pipe and tobacco stand and touching my ligher.  I almost depressed the button.  So I must admit that using electricity does confuse the mind. Perhaps that is why the rabbis banned it.  I felt that if I can light a light bulb, maybe I can light a flame.  So I picked up the lighter and envied it a minute. The thought crossed my mind that "you can even light that ligher up". I didn't.  I put the lighter down with a solace and a respect for the fact that I can indeed play chess and listen to beethoven at the same time.  It doesn't mean I am going to start throwing chess pieces to establish that Beethoven is more intelligent than I really am.  He is when it comes to music, but I have my intelligence.  I am not going to die a miserable soul. Baruch Hashem!

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