Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My reply to the fellow who called me a "fundie" for being Jewish and honoring Torah

Online, a fellow did not like a commentary where I was in my view defending Torah Values.  

Regarding a discussion of Jewish Worship, I wrote the following:

Me:  The mechitza is oral torah. And thus, LAW.  

Other person: See my other comment [where he wrote "I find it weird that people who belong to religions which discrimina­te against them, actually stay with the religion. And most religions do unless you do some ferocious cherry picking of their holy books. Free yourself, give up on gods. Then you can just concentrat­e on the politician­s who discrimina­te."]

My tuck him in easily comment reply:  “See my smile when I know I paid my price to society and I also honored the Godly code of Mosaic Law with my life. Thanks.”

His Allegation and Resentment: That's about the only time you fundies ever smile. You're too busy otherwise running other people's lives.  

The answer to his prayers:  Its hard to be a "fundy" when I am opposed to most of the ways of some of the ultra religious orders and zealots in my faith. But of course, you have it all together. If you are jewish, you are missing out on the life of a Jew as the servant of his G-d. Perhaps that is not a big deal to you, but G-d is very real and I like that I am more insightful and more prepared for some experience­s due to a true way of Jewish life that does not deviate from his direct commandmen­ts.
So perhaps you like your way and you hate the Ways of Moses, but perhaps you are like a lobster that eats its own claw. Sort of it does not go that well in life for you in many ways.  

Huffington post commentary at:

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