Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Carrot in the Cake

I must say that my own philosophical thinking this morning has arrive me upon this following amalgam of human existence.

I hereby relate that the whole existence of humanity is a carrot in a cake.
Basically, everyone likes money. There is not one person who does not like money.  Just one I guess and his own life, I personally dispute.  (Mr. Jesus, of course, didn't he have no money and get rid of it all???).
Either way, the cake is the money.
So every person loves the money and eats the cake.

The possibility is that there is a carrot in the cake.  The carrot never gets eaten, except by a few apt people who realize that they can take the carrot out and eat it for lunch.
This is good and probably a great thing indeed.
What is this carrot you may ask and inquire?
I suggest that the Carrot represents G-d.

Simply put, G-d is a carrot in a cake of what represents money.
The fact that every human being wants and enjoys and has an interest of some proportion in money is apparant to even the youngest child.
Personally, I think that perhaps this world is a stage and we are all actors playing out a role that is proscibed from the beginning of time. 
Could this be?  No Free Will?

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