Thursday, January 12, 2012

Finalizing the Questions of Jewish Life

A fellow on Forum Huffington Post commented that the concern he had about Jewish life was that he did not understand how anyone could ascertain the entire rightful right of life in a way that is perfect and thus someone might say one thing and another say another.
In right there is a willing G-d and Creator who knows your situation and your esteem.  He knows who wants to violate a law just to make a problem for the World and he knows who wants to do well and may have limitations in his or her design or interest that may make some paticularity of say keeping shabbas as a perfectly 'orthodox' jew the perfect thing to do.

So I wrote the following comment:

Life is a series of tribulatio­ns and trials and you get your way on the way and do your best to do your utmost to do what is TRUE and RIGHT. The Shabbas Laws are very interestin­g and Judaism is not a hive.
Jews have a right to practice their faith freely and if they are not on a shabbas interest of the entire community completely its not a matter of perfection but really lifestyle and health as well.
So the rabbis are a guide, but they are not the final comment on life and health in Israel.

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