Thursday, April 14, 2011

What is the Yetzer Hara?

Heard of this before?  Sure you have.  Everyone talks about satan and the devil.  The Jews believe in a force called the Yetzer Hara.  Its basically the Evil Inclination that every person on Earth is born.   It is a voice.  Not a force, not a mind and not a being. It is Satan if you want to call it that.  It is the devil too.  There is a force of Evil and that is your own ability to decide to listen to the Yetzer Hara.  You are the force of evil. The devil or Satan is not the Force.  Its just a voice.
There is a Yetzer Tov also.  Its the voice in your being that tells you to do good things.  Its stronger than the Yetzer Hara, but the Yetzer Hara wants to be louder.  You might even hear the Yetzer Hara in your mind someday as it tries desperately to trip you up into an evil tail spin.
Where did this evil voice come from?  Why, I say that our Creator Created it for your own amusement and your betterment.  See, if you command authority in your own Universe, you can turn the Yetzer Hara around and make it serve you instead of its evil wishes.  You can laugh at it.  You can laugh at the fact that you don't let it influence your life.   So God I say Created this voice. 
Its the voice of the "adversary".  There is no force in the Universe for evil.  Evil is the person's being that they create themselves.  So if God created the Yetzer Hara, why do so?   I say that God created this voice to make sure that God's creation indeed does endure.  You see, there must always be some opposing voice in the Universe that hates the fact that the Universe exists.  Without this voice, the Universe would be a Great thing that noone would even enjoy.  Everything would be good.  No one would know that there could have been anything else.  So now that you can see that evil voices do exist, be good and don't do the evil.  That way you will enjoy a Good Universe and know that its Good too.   Makes sense to me.  Thanks.

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