Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Is there going to be a messiah?

There is no law to "wait for the messiah".. We are to wait on G-d. I know that may sound radical being that the contention of most jews is that there is a messiah. I am not of the belief that there is really one man who is going to save the world in the same fashion and the Jewish books in my view do not suggest that. They can be confusing and what is considered messianic prophesy to the world to me seems like orthodox considerat­ions for an orthodox community and the remnant of Israel. So don't worry. I do not run around in my life saying "moshiac now" like many of my contempora­ries.  

This may sound like sacrilege considering I am jewish and the "13 principles" include a belief in messiah. I suggest to you that God has effectively confused our people.
The fact is that most people still can not comprehend a silent God who is all powerful.  They expect a man to come along in order to do Gods work. 
Of course many men come and go.  And many of them indeed do Gods work on this world.
So if you want heros, there are many to go around.

As for a Temple and a Messianic age, that is always a possibility.
I do think that Our God will sometime offer to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem so that the Jewish Remnant can execute the totality of Torah on this planet.  I dare to suggest that it be permanent as God may not allow an invader to destroy this temple.  So if that's possible, I would indeed allow it to be considered a Messianic age or a world that is completed in a religious array.
That is to me the future that we should look forward.

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