If the fellow named jesus who is thought of as the fellow in the 'new' testament was truely a real person and if he was alive in todays modern era, this is what I think he would be like.
Jesus would hate video games. He would throw the hand controller much as he tried to turn the tables in the temple in Jerusalem in his time.
The fact is, Jesus would be someone that would shun modernity. He would be amish. He would probably not shave his mostache though as he was not known to be one who shunned the sinner and of course the origins of the Amish custom of shaving their mostache I am told originate from the idea that they left Germany where men were oppressive and vindictive and they all had beards with mostaches.
Jesus would shop at the 5 and dime and he would not really go out of his way to shop in major supermarkets. The idea of providing large quantities of food would intimidate Jesus since he was known to feed 5000 people with one loaf of bread. If jesus saw the modern day store, he might feel he had no purpose.
Jesus would hang out at hospitals and make himself known to all of the hospital security personell. He would try to involve himself in the persons going in and out of the hospital and perhaps try to heal someone. I do not believe he would have had the tenacity to become a true doctor though. Jesus was too keen on preaching in his days and truly to be a medical student, you have no time for random interaction.
So what do you think of my modern day Jesus?
I suggest he would not drive a car of course, so it is pointless to ask what sort of car jesus would drive.
As for sports, jesus would possibly be a soccer fan. Its a game he could play so he would certainly be keen to watch and cheer the sport. Thus I do not think that football, basketball and hockey would appeal to him. Baseball would be out of the question. They are just too sophisticated. Basketball is just too aggressive. Hockey is too scary. Baseball is too violent. (hitting that ball requires anger and radical teeth clenching). I do not think that Jesus clenched his teeth.
So thats about that.
Jesus might go skiing but I do not think that it would be popular with him. There are just not enough opportunites to randomly interact with other people when you are skiing down a hill.
So when Jesus does come back as they tell me he most certainly will, I hope that Fox news gets him for a nice cameo when he walks on water. Or CNN. And of course, I am sure that Jay Leno and David Letterman will compete to see who gets to see him turn water into wine on national television.
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