Monday, December 12, 2011

To the scoffers who want to ridicule the bible:

The Huffington post is rife with the scoffers that like to ridicule the bible and claim that the bible is a horrible wicked book that claims that our horrible G-d wanted to destoy and kill people like the Caananites and make people do horrible slaughters and all the like.  I wrote the following on a HuffPost Reply:

Claims that you can not conceive of a G-d that would destroy a community that is so bent on evil is about as evil as it gets I guess. Sodom and Gamorreh were destroyed for their twisted and horrible social structures­. The same goes of course for those who G-d removed from the holy land I would suggest. There is a G-d in my beliefs and if you fail to put your trust in the G-d of Israel, I pray you find yourself a good lawyer in life. 

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