Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fixing Freedom (unacceptable)

I must relate some recent learnings of a person whom I have had negative experiences in the past.
I have recently found this person has indeed his own blog, though he has few enteries.
One entry was striking to me and I read only a bit and piece of the presentation.
What I saw was concerning to me at a certain level of leadership and decency.
This is the same fellow who when I was a surgical intern was my senior resident and on one day when I had not yet pulled a patients foley catheter, he actually blasted me with anger and threw his clip board at the wall.  I must say that I was quite frightened over the situation and of course, I was not in any way in my mind broken or stealing from the service. It was simply a job that did not get done.
Today I read from this fellows blog on "improving surgical education" that his claim was that complacency leads to stagnation. I can not help thinking that this was indeed the situation that was the reason why he attacked me that day on rounds.  Does complacency lead to stagnation?  Clearly not.  Stagnation comes from indigence.  Indigence is the real enemy of a surgeon.  In any case, complacency is not of course preferable, but it leads to dessication.   This is a situation where things just start to look less preferable. This does not mandate that the situation has devolved to a situation where it can not be improved. 
So in my thoughts, this is a concern and thus if you are in a situation where there are things that are just not getting done as fast as you think you want them to be completed, you have a job to help get them done yourself. 
I disagree with this arrogant unacceptable reasoning and I equate it with trying to fix freedom itself.

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