Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Freakishness of John 3:16

Of course, you all know this verse.  They stick it on billboards, you see it at football games.  Some of them have it on their bumper. 
This is the real "gotcha" phrase of christianity.
John 3:16   For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

True, this must mean that you must take up a faith in Jesus so that you have "eternal life", correct.  They will tell you so.

But does G-d really "love the world".  I attest that he does not. 
G-d loves CREATION.  The world is something else.
So if you want to read hokey bible verses and think that G-d is writing you a future in heaven just by swearing allegiance to a man that exists only in writing (in my beliefs), go right ahead. 
If you read this verse after knowing the Bible of G-d that was from Genesis to Chronicles 2, you are going to be keenly aware that this is not Hashems work and that Hashem does not indeed "love the world".  The world is the enemy in many ways.  The fact is that the world is what corrupts, what disfigures, what assaults and what demeans the very existence of the orderly man of Torah.

So good luck being a Jews for Jesus if that is your nature.  This verse will not give you anything except your own smug satisfaction of posting it on a billboard for some jew like me to discover some day and look up in the bible to see what could be "so important". 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Trouble with the snot nosed children online

Gratuity online is never without its own explicit disregard for human interest and human relations.
I am advocating online that circumcision bans are illegal and blasphemous.
I get a number of vicious remarks in my harm as a result of my comments and postings. 
Here is one from a person who graciously calls himself "familypenis":

With 186 comments on this news story alone we can see how you spend your life! Propping up crumbling edifices. You make a good point though: no garbage for you. From you is another matter entirely! Anyway you have been the perfect foil for those advancing the cause of intactivis­m. Sorry to see you go.  

My reply to this is the following:

Defending Torah Values is a good way to live and a great way to be remembered­. If you want to make me your case for your insipid goals, go right ahead. I will be glad to comment on every narcissist­ic and inadequate commentary you think you can come up with to destroy mankind and western civilizati­on.  

Sincere disregard for good will and human relevancy is the stead of the "intactivist" anticircumcision community today.  I have yet to find one who has a throw of honor or decency in the entire college of the ignorant and assimylated futures of the wicked and unjust who prioritize their time as if it is about their own basketball game with their own handshake in life.  In effect, these ignorant narcissists are bent on destroying western democratic civilization and I do equate the intactivist movement with the already known form of human suffering known as communism.

Communism is about denying freedoms, relegating a lack of compassion, promoting atheist goals and removing the righteous from the living.  This is too the concern and want of this community of aggressive ingrateful socialist minded souls who wish simply to dispell the notion that we have a G-d who did in fact command the Jewish communities to circumcise their sons.

Fixing Freedom (unacceptable)

I must relate some recent learnings of a person whom I have had negative experiences in the past.
I have recently found this person has indeed his own blog, though he has few enteries.
One entry was striking to me and I read only a bit and piece of the presentation.
What I saw was concerning to me at a certain level of leadership and decency.
This is the same fellow who when I was a surgical intern was my senior resident and on one day when I had not yet pulled a patients foley catheter, he actually blasted me with anger and threw his clip board at the wall.  I must say that I was quite frightened over the situation and of course, I was not in any way in my mind broken or stealing from the service. It was simply a job that did not get done.
Today I read from this fellows blog on "improving surgical education" that his claim was that complacency leads to stagnation. I can not help thinking that this was indeed the situation that was the reason why he attacked me that day on rounds.  Does complacency lead to stagnation?  Clearly not.  Stagnation comes from indigence.  Indigence is the real enemy of a surgeon.  In any case, complacency is not of course preferable, but it leads to dessication.   This is a situation where things just start to look less preferable. This does not mandate that the situation has devolved to a situation where it can not be improved. 
So in my thoughts, this is a concern and thus if you are in a situation where there are things that are just not getting done as fast as you think you want them to be completed, you have a job to help get them done yourself. 
I disagree with this arrogant unacceptable reasoning and I equate it with trying to fix freedom itself.

Friday, December 16, 2011

An oade to Mr. Jesus

jesus christ
a fraternity brother of the poor
what he wants is poverty
what he gets is war
Of course his faith is selfish
And his way of life is warped
And of course his challenges are bitter
And the end of his future is war
So going to church
Is not for me
I will be Jewish
And keep Mr. Jesus
Far from me.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

In Defense of Circumcision 

This above reading material is the "sinequanon" of the resistence movement to Doing Circumcisions.

In essence, the entire argument of their stay is in that description.
I have gladly written in the commentary about this article that follows a number of responses and comments regarding the Right and Priviledge of Circumcision.
If you want to read this and see some of the wicked criminal claims of the 'intactivist' community, give this article a read.  It is continuing to evolve.

>>>>I blog under the name "jewishphysician"..

The Intactivist movement

The intactivis­t movement is a crime movement based upon hatred, pity and bigotry.

Communities are priviledge to circumcise their children.

Monday, December 12, 2011

To the scoffers who want to ridicule the bible:

The Huffington post is rife with the scoffers that like to ridicule the bible and claim that the bible is a horrible wicked book that claims that our horrible G-d wanted to destoy and kill people like the Caananites and make people do horrible slaughters and all the like.  I wrote the following on a HuffPost Reply:

Claims that you can not conceive of a G-d that would destroy a community that is so bent on evil is about as evil as it gets I guess. Sodom and Gamorreh were destroyed for their twisted and horrible social structures­. The same goes of course for those who G-d removed from the holy land I would suggest. There is a G-d in my beliefs and if you fail to put your trust in the G-d of Israel, I pray you find yourself a good lawyer in life. 

Humanistic Judaism

Judaism seems to have everyone under its roof these days.
Today there is the jewish atheist movement. They call themselves Humanist Jews.

To a fellow who claims to make the argument that a rabbi named Benjaman Biber calls for the abolition of circumcision, I said this on the Huffington Post:

This man named Benjamin Biber is only a rabbi on his own letterhead it seems.
If he is the force of "humanisti­c judaism", that is to show that he has no belief in G-d, Torah, Bible, or even I suggest mankinds truth and right to exist as a G-d given right.
I suggest to you that if you want to think of a Jewish people, you might remind yourself that they exist as Jews specifical­ly because there is a G-d. There was exodus from Egypt and there was the amazing miraculous birth of Isaac in the elderly years of Sarah. If that had not happened, there would be no jewish nation. And if you think there is no god, then there is no such thing as a nation of Israel and thus you can not claim to be a rabbi in any sense as a rabbi denotes understand­ing of Torah and G-d. Right? No god? No rabbi.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Supersized Menorahs

I must attest that today, there is clearly the movement to make supersized menorahs the common stay in all of the town squares in many of our cities.
I do feel that it is relevant that we as Jewish communities continue our traditions and educate the world of our experiences in some joyful and considerate manner.
But that said, I think that the gigantic displays mock our own existence rather than explode into the public squares with a sense of good and propriety.

I like a large menorah that is on a table that can be lit and others can view its expression.

I do not like the supersized menorahs that are usually electric anyhow and do not have gas or oil or a candle.

It is sad because at some extent, this display makes me actually a little ashamed to be jewish rather than elevating my own jewish spirit.
It is always good to see my faith represented; of course. 
But in all, I could be just as happy being in the presence of a jewish community that has a holiday display of any nature rather than a supersized menorah.

All in all, it seems like this is the way of the ChaBaD directory in that all of the ChaBaDs seem to encourage supersized holiday displays.

In truth, the supersized menorah does not bring Honor, Dignity or Presence to Jewish Life.  In effect, it is a Power display showing that Jews too can consume your presence in the town squares just like the christmas tree.  In effect, we are trying to supersize hannukah becuase christmas is always supersized.

Good for America right?  Good for the Jewish nation!  There is a super sized menorah at the White House and at some square!!!!!  Sometimes they have to get on a cherry picker just to light the menorah flames!!!!

So thus it is today.  Supersized menorahs are the norm.
Of course a large menorah in front of a synagogue is usually ok. Makes me feel happy in a good sense. 
When its just part of the synagogue its a useful display.
But overall, the introduction of magnanimity into the public squares does not exactly correspond to the overall code of Honor that Torah requires.

Is it just me or do these displays actually subtract from the Jewish professional image in this world?  Do they create a situation where indoctrination is enlarged with Pride and Self satisfaction?

Just a thought here before Hannukah.
I am a proud jew of many ways, but Torah is the source of my pride.  Judaism practiced in big time and for the big screens is not exactly Torah to me.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Misandry Revealed

Today's Religions section of the Huffington Post had this following Article written about trying to "abolish circumcision".

My reply:

Thats the most sophisticated piece of misandrous diatribe I have ever witnessed in my entire life ever. 
I must remark that the Foreskin is the element that is removed in a circumcision.  This is NOT the Genitalia organ itself.   To make this assertion is anatomically and physically incorrect and leaps into a realm of poor judgement as well as blasphemy regarding the abuse of medical science and scientific jargon.
In fact, Science has proven that circumcision is medically positive in its benefits.  It is written that in Africa, AIDS transmission is reduced by a statistically significant percentage in those who are circumcised.
The fact is that there is a reason for the circumcision and the Jewish religion is no accident.
G-d is True and if you want to be an atheist, that is your own personal choice.
I also find medical heresy in the assertation that the foreskin is the MOST SENSITIVE part of a man's anatomy.   Foreskin does not have a major amount of neural connections; the sensory innervation of the man's genitalia is in the Corpus Spongiosum and the Corona or Glans Penis.

If you read this article, please scroll down to the comments from the "Jewishphysician" blogger.  That of course is my commentary and you will see that the "intactivist" community has come out in droves and has made an arrogant attempt to smear and marginalize and denigrate me at every turn on this article.  I think that so far, I have over 50 responses it seems from many of them.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

What the idiot dragged in...

Today, I wrote a few comments regarding a huffington post article online.
The article discussed a new comic book to be written that will involve Occupy movement as the heros.

I wrote:
Occupy Wall Street as the heros would be like Superman dressed in funeral black.  

Idiot replies:
Actually, that sounds kinda cool!  

Integrity and Humanity corresponds:
Its really cool if you like to see Superman use his x ray vision to burn the words to the National Anthem.

Imbecule who was once only an Idiot rewrites:
Again! Cool!  

Fist in your face now, I reply:
Cool dude. I want to live in pakistan too! Good luck!  

Thread here:


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Ethics of Giving

This is an interesting article I found today.
The Holocaust Center in Israel was given 25 Million dollars by an American who made his capital in the Casino Ownership business.

I wrote a few talk backs to this that are clearly so far, quite unpopular among the other readers. 
I posted comment 1 Anonymous and comment 5 Anonymous. I also have written a few under the name Yaakov321.

Comment 1 reads:
Thats all good and fine. The fact is true that if there is a casino proceeds, its really essentially theft. So this guy in effect, offered legally legal theft money (not spiritually legal) to the world to improve the holocaust education. I dare say that it will clearly have a purpose in the hands of the Jewish people entrusted with its safekeeping but stolen money is still stolen money. I would not regard this as a real mitzvah as it would be had it been done by a more legitimate source of proceeds. I am sure that the holocaust center will keep the whole thing, but to be totally kosher, I would donate half of it to food banks and other ways to keep people healthy and whole. The holocuast center received a fine benefit and of course it will have proper prosperity. I am sure that the donor will have some reward, but it will be also in the context that the funds were technically a spiritual theft of sorts. Just something to think of here.

The rest of the posts so far are all against my commentary.

In fact, I will suggest that there is an ethics to giving.
You can give of course to any charity you wish,
But in giving a mass sum of money to say the Holocaust Museum when it was essentially you yourself who engaged in a somewhat mass scale financial holocaust against Americans seems to me like stealing from Peter to pay 'Paul'.
I realize that any charity should be commended and of course as I noted above in the first remark "that is all good and fine"....  But in truth when you offer such an amount to a cause that does not negate the true evil that you have done in your lifetime, you are playing a wild card that does not always equal true blessings in life.
I suggested that the money be considered as a donation to a food shelter or maybe homeless shelter.
I did read that this donor does give to medical research and for that I say that his donation offsets the evil of the casino industry.
I am not calling casino gambling a horror story in any sense, but it is it not purity.
To think that you can get your frills on one hand and on the other you are going to live in poverty seems to me to be a wonderful trade off for bafflement and disrepair.  True you had that choice and as one guy who responded says "you are fully awake when you do your gambling". I will say yes you have conscious thought, but I do not agree that you are fully spiritually awake.  Just a thought.

Additional Comment:
In fact, the construction of casinos and the advent of legalized gambling in truth increases the poverty in the Universe. In effect, there is more poverty and homelessness and all the like due to gambling and its permitted experience. I am not going to suggest in any way that such a thing be outlawed as I think it does constitute a frail attempt to pursue happiness. But in the fact that someone has his wealth derived from this source, I would think that true Tikkun Olam would mandate that about half or more of it be really donated to a cause that decreases poverty in this World. This way, the negatives are offset by an equivalent positive. In truth the holocaust museum is a noble pursuit of donations, but the fact that the earnings are not exactly noble does not merit nobility to be conferred to the donor in exactment with the nobility with which merit was pursued in life.
So I congratulate him on his sincere hope that we can abolish inhumanity, but his real problem is to defeat poverty. And if he can fight inhumanity at the same time, great. The more merit and blessing is helping the poor with money derived from others that have become mostly poor as a result. This makes sense to me in terms of true purity.

To the person who commented that people who gamble are "fully awake" and should not be considered a 'victim', I assert the following:

You remark that these people who gamble and enjoy that frill are "fully awake". I would attest that they are are indeed conscious of their activity, but I do not really think that they would be regarded among the Malachim to be truly Spiritually Awake.

Why I am a Democrat today

I must attest to you that the focus of Today's GOP is not exactly Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Today's GOP's Mantra appears to really be Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Opulence.

So being a patriot to the American Way, I must choose an activity and organization that promotes true American Values. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Succumbing to our own evil influence to be "holier"

What is it that is happening in the Holy Land today?

I must read at least one story a week today about some problem including violence from the 'ultra' religious sects in the Holy Land today.
Today's story as above is about a woman who was attacked both physically and verbally for sitting in a bus section that is by the peoples 'laws' only for men.

This is not democracy and this is not tolerable.

Rubber Heads

I hereby coin the term "rubberheads" in the sense that there are people among us who want to disavow the future technology that is protective and instructive in order to "purify" themselves from the evil influences of the future world.

This seems to be limited to mostly the people of the ultra religious sects of the Jewish Nation today.

Making the world a safer place for demigoguery

Well, here it is, todays demonstration by the 'religious' Jews who have launched a war against Television.

Television makes this world a safer place.  The western Media combats violence and inhumanity.
To the yidden out there who want to destroy their televisions:
Clearly you could give them away to the people who do not have such nice technology.
Our people are really on the derech today, huh?