Sunday, May 15, 2011

What the non aligned Jew must do in his or her lifetime

There is a movement as we all know called the reform and conservative Jewish movement.  What this really is is a non Torah Aligned group of Jews who have organized and made so that they can have their cake and eat it too.  This presents a difficult situation in many ways for our Jewish people because the non aligned do not teach or promote Torah Values and they have their own system.  They even have their own ways of "converting" people into our "Jewish" nation.  Unfortunately, the entire orthodox Torah Jewish world does not agree that a non aligned conversion is a true Jewish conversion. There are tons of people walking around today calling themselves Jewish and they really are not Jews.  This is a problem if you want to marry one or if you want to daven with one in your presence (They do not count as a minyan).  That said, there are I'm sure many other problems that I am yet to understand and know.  But the real issue is what you want to do as a Jew in your lifetime.  If you marry a non aligned Jewish convert, your marriage will never be considered Halachaic Valid under Torah Law.  This is a fact.   This basically means that no matter what your intentions are, you basically intermarried.  Be it what you may thing, it does indeed have its consequences.  The Laws of Moses are Described in Full and according to Torah, you will indeed endure a curse for violating any Jewish Law (Deuteronomy 28).  But that is not the whole of the problem.
The non aligned movements have created a rift of a schism in the Jewish world.  True, no Jew is obligated by his own mind if he so chooses to keep every Jewish Law.  Millions of Jews are inadequate in their adherence to all of our laws, many do not even know what Jewish Law is in fact.  But that said, the problem with the non-aligned movements is that they create a situation whereby they are ENABLERS for Jews to deviate from Jewish Law.   This is a real problem.

The non-aligned Jew must make a decision in his or her lifetime as to what they want to get out of their lives.  They may intermarry and even marry a person who goes through a non-aligned conversion.   There is no law saying that they must change or they will be penalized by our communities, per se.  Perhaps their marriage will not be recognized and in many cases, many of these non-aligned Jews will refuse to have anything to do with the Real Torah World.  But that said, it is up to the Torah Community to make certain that the non-aligned jew learns sometime in his or her life that their failure to obey Jewish Law in such a capacity does have its consequences.  Truly this must be done with the utmost tact and consideration, but if you are in a relationship with one who is non-aligned, you have an ethical responsibility to discuss and show that other person what their wrong thinking is at some length in your lifetime.  It really is a problem for all of us. 

So the non-aligned jew must sometime in their lifetime decide what they want to get out of their lives as a Jew.   True no one expects them to all want to Completely adhere to Torah and perhaps they adhere in ways that some of us do not even adhere in the Orthodox Jewish Communities. But that said, one must decided for example if they want their significant other to have a True Jewish Conversion if that was the challenge or if they wish to have a Redone Orthodox Marriage.  Believe it or not, this is common today among those who are Truly converted to Torah after going through a non-aligned Jewish conversion in the past.  With the True Jewish Conversion, they must indeed have a True Jewish marriage as they were not Truly married under Jewish law in their previous ceremonies.

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