Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My 2 cents on the Painting of Lambs Blood on the Doors during the Passover

OK.  Here we go.
This is my own take on why Our Creator had us decorate our doorposts with Lambs blood during the Passover event in Egypt.
I must say that Clearly Hashem knows who the Jews are and who the Egyptians are who have disregarded Gods warnings during the Exodus Story.
This is clear to me:  If God knew who the Jews were, did we really have to put lambs blood on our doors.   Clearly God knows who we are and doesn't need our people to designate ourselves for an angel of Death so that the angel does not also kill our first born.
Here is my take on this.
According to Derech Hashem (The Way of G-d), a book of chassidic thought that is available on most Jewish booksellers online, Evil propegates at night.  This is how God designed the world.   That evil propegates does not mean that is strengthens.  It means that it really finds no more people on the streets to corrupt in the daytime so that in the night time it looks for new minds to take over.  Well thats my thought anyhow.  But that said, The Passover story has our People putting lambs blood on the door posts.  I must tell you that if you have ever seen this or can at least imagine what it looks like, it looks more evil than evil itself. 
Basically what G-d wanted us to say is that "We dont give a shit about evil."  "We look more evil than evil itself and we dont care what Evil does.".  This is the message I get from this exodus example.
So thus the Jews walk away from Egypt and say to the world that we just don't care one way or another about what evil thinks.  It makes sense to me. 
This is why I think we were told to put lamb's blood on our doorposts.
But that said, perhaps it is also so that our people know that we are designated to live and not to succumb to the plague of the death of the first born. 
Either way, it makes an interesting conversation, right?

Basically what we were doing was STREAKING THE NIGHT WITH LAMBS BLOOD.

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