Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Post Denominational crime

There is a new crime among jews.   Today, many jews who are young and savvy are frequently saying that instead of identifying themselves as either an orthodox or reform or maybe conservative jew, they are "post denominational".  At first I though this was perhaps very sophisticated (but I did not adopt it for myself).  Perhaps saying you do not believe in the divisions of our values and faith is a very intelligent way to describe your prefered fervor for just being jewish and not being "labeled".

I thought that perhaps there was honor and dignity in a remaining neutral on what type of jewish ways you follow.

I realize now that this is again a fools pride.

In turn, Judaism today is at war within and there are multiple "denominations" or movements.

In reality, you must in turn find a movement or otherwise you are losing your place in the book of jewish life.

In reality if you are post demonimational, you are refusing to discuss the conflicts and heresies and blasphemies even in the jewish world.

So that in turn makes you an non-orthodox jew.

So denominations aside, there really is orthodox and non-orthodox.

You do not have to be an uber stringent jew to call yourself orthodox.  You just have to recognize that there is truth and that there is a way that is true.

But perhaps there are those who wish to go to any shul and perhaps intermingle wherever they want to go.   This is to be considred a friendly way to say "I just do not understand Israel".  But in reality these people for their time being are doing  some good.  Either way, G-d is ONE and judaism should be ONE too. 

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