Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Drop in your own ash tray of life

Baruch Spinoza appeals to me today.  I am going to begin reading more and more of his writings. 
I must say that being that I was excommunicated from a Jewish community, he and I have something in common.
Baruch Spinoza was one of the most intellectual men who have ever walked this planet ever.
Funny how the very man who was excommunicated from the lively and Righteous ("?") Jewish life and culture was the man who the universities study in philosophy class from that day until the indefinate future of course.  I am quite sure that his works will never cease to be read by scholars and scholarship.

Was he really a bad guy?  Apparantly he is still dancing in the streets while those who hated him and watned to deprive him of community and happy friendships are all gone and not thought of individually at any length by really anyone today.

So who wins here?
Spinoza was the future.
Spinoza is the guy that some jerk like me even might read some day late at night when I am looking to be a more interesting human being at some level.

So guess what, I must say that if you want to excommunicate a man from your world, expect a reciprocation.  The world will be his and you will fall off your steak knife into your salad and noone will care who you were in a lifetime after your children leave the world.

Think about that.

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