My brother is in town and his luggage was mishandled and did not make his flight. It took several calls to locate it and then it was flown from New York through 3 airports to our home. It finally came by a persons delivery to our home at 1:15 PM this early morning.
I have to report that the person who delivered this luggage is a true hero. That is heroism. To drive through the night to make sure that someone gets their lost luggage. He left our home to drive another hour and then an hour or more back to his own location I think to deliver another person's luggage. I took his name.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Looking for a Job!!!!
Well folks, I am really not that serious. I don't anticipate a big job that I can find in the near future, but who knows, I'm up for a new income if I can find it, right?
That said, here are a few ideas that may come to mind, but I don't think I'll be able to muster up the occupational possibility of these just yet.
1. I'd like to sell Poker chips to the French. I don't think they have anything better to do now that they have 35 hour work weeks, so let them play 5 hours of poker a week to catch up with us Americans.
2. Maybe I can bring Donuts to the Fidel Castro Regime. Really. I'd like to make the poor guy happy in his last days. He deserves it, right? No just kidding. Maybe I can bring donuts to the Libyans and help them figure out who is the next guy after Khadaffi is off the boat to somewhere else. That would be pretty neat huh? Sadly that probably wont go anywhere either.
3. How about running errands for Sarah Palin? I'd love to hear her lovely voice call at me all day long. Perhaps I can get her some beeswax for her lovely smile. That would be great. They'll really love her on television now right?
4. Another idea, lets build fortresses in Afghanistan. That way the taliban will have a nice place to really whack their opponents and noone will see it anymore, Right?
Thus all good thoughts, but I think I'll stick to blogging for now. Thanks fans and readers. I must say that in the event that I find myself occupied with more, I will be sure to possibly report here someday. Thanks!
That said, here are a few ideas that may come to mind, but I don't think I'll be able to muster up the occupational possibility of these just yet.
1. I'd like to sell Poker chips to the French. I don't think they have anything better to do now that they have 35 hour work weeks, so let them play 5 hours of poker a week to catch up with us Americans.
2. Maybe I can bring Donuts to the Fidel Castro Regime. Really. I'd like to make the poor guy happy in his last days. He deserves it, right? No just kidding. Maybe I can bring donuts to the Libyans and help them figure out who is the next guy after Khadaffi is off the boat to somewhere else. That would be pretty neat huh? Sadly that probably wont go anywhere either.
3. How about running errands for Sarah Palin? I'd love to hear her lovely voice call at me all day long. Perhaps I can get her some beeswax for her lovely smile. That would be great. They'll really love her on television now right?
4. Another idea, lets build fortresses in Afghanistan. That way the taliban will have a nice place to really whack their opponents and noone will see it anymore, Right?
Thus all good thoughts, but I think I'll stick to blogging for now. Thanks fans and readers. I must say that in the event that I find myself occupied with more, I will be sure to possibly report here someday. Thanks!
My charges against the "religious" communities
Don't get me wrong. Observance is always awesome and right. But that said, this has been my brief experience with a number of those who would say that they are "religious". I find that many of the people I know, and not just those in the Jewish communities, put their Situation ahead of their Propriety. This is a very bad thing to do. People that I have known for a good time seem more interested in making sure that they follow all of the ritual observances and other thoughtful arrays of 'orthodoxy' and they rarely do the important things such as reply to email, written mail, phone calls or speak peaceful things with you in person. This is propriety. Take what you want from your orthodox upbringing, I will suggest that propriety is the most crucial of factors that determine your True Relationship with your Creator. Its not about making absolute certain that every thing in your home is Kosher of that you followed all the rabbinic ideas for observance of things like Yom Tov and other orthodox occasions. That said, I may not follow all of the rabbinic ideals such as refraining now from kitniyot (legumes such as peanuts and corn and rice and the like) on Passover, but I will be sure that if there is something that is an absolute Commandment that I will do all I can do to follow this. I find that there are many Jews who are so bent at following the utmost detail of kosher eating or perhaps not lighting a lamp on shabbas yet they do not wear tzitzis (Commandment) or wear their beard properly (Commandment) or wear Peyos (Commandment). So where do people get their ideas of what they really need to do to be True to Hashem? I don't get it. "I want to be perfectly kosher in my culinary skills making sure that I don't even eat an item that was prepared on a non koshered surface but I am too embarrassed to wear tzitzit in my daily life". Yes I'm sure your Creator feels your pain and suffering. He only MADE the COMMANDMENT to wear these items.
So guess what, I don't want to seem sticky to those who are not yet torah orientated, but to those who are in an orthodox congregation, what are your real priorities? Do you realize that when you act with less than propriety in your discourse that you ruin your relationship with another person. If you believe in Your Creator, this will Ruin your Relationship with your Creator as well. So guess what folks, even the simplest non-orthodox-observant Jew often beats you in many timings on this manner. The non observant Jew is still one that has some sense of propriety many times. And I will tell you that to me, propriety is more important indeed than your "situation".
So, I've placed my charges folks. Proove me wrong. And if we have never met, I pray you will excuse my commentary that really is due to some frequent experiences with those who I do know. Thanks guys. I hope you keep reading.
So guess what, I don't want to seem sticky to those who are not yet torah orientated, but to those who are in an orthodox congregation, what are your real priorities? Do you realize that when you act with less than propriety in your discourse that you ruin your relationship with another person. If you believe in Your Creator, this will Ruin your Relationship with your Creator as well. So guess what folks, even the simplest non-orthodox-observant Jew often beats you in many timings on this manner. The non observant Jew is still one that has some sense of propriety many times. And I will tell you that to me, propriety is more important indeed than your "situation".
So, I've placed my charges folks. Proove me wrong. And if we have never met, I pray you will excuse my commentary that really is due to some frequent experiences with those who I do know. Thanks guys. I hope you keep reading.
Speeding Through the Omer
I must say that this is the first year that I've tried to count the Omer. This is seemingly a real pain in the touchas as one might think. Not quite. I say it breifly every night after sundown when I go to a prayer book and go to the counting the Omer Section. Takes me all but 1 minute or 2. But that said, hear this. Today is the 8th day of the Omer. That means that it has already passed a full week and there are a total of 7 weeks. So I must tell you that it feels like I just started counting and here I am on the 2nd week already.
This is all good and fine, but I tell you that I think that the reason we count the Omer now in my thoughts is to make this 7 week process go by quicker. And if the first week which passed in a split second is anything like the next 6, Shavuous will be here in no time at all. In the past, I remember it feeling as if it was a long prolonged process. So if you do the count and keep it, the time goes really fast. Like a split second I am going to think. We will see. Thanks.
This is all good and fine, but I tell you that I think that the reason we count the Omer now in my thoughts is to make this 7 week process go by quicker. And if the first week which passed in a split second is anything like the next 6, Shavuous will be here in no time at all. In the past, I remember it feeling as if it was a long prolonged process. So if you do the count and keep it, the time goes really fast. Like a split second I am going to think. We will see. Thanks.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Keeping the Ultra Orthodox Shabbas
I must say that I have indeed written a few weeks back (early March) that I no longer feel that our needs are to keep the Shabbas as stringently and as ascetically as the Ultra Orthodox Jewish Communities do. That said, I am glad for personal reasons that for a full one year period I did indeed keep shabbas as well as possible to these standards. I had the Shabbas Shemirath book as a guide which I did consult once in a while. I did indeed rip toilet paper in advance and pre shabbas, I made certain to turn on the lights that I would use on shabbas. Perhaps less ascetically and not by the guidelines, I did in fact leave a few radios on for my own listening acumen. I feel that this was as good as a fellow such as myself with no major religious upbringing as far as Orthodox Customs goes did in this effort. I was even one that used a few music making instruments, though I feel that the mainstay of the orthodox beliefs was a cornerstone during this period. I do not do it today and can not say that I would in the future. In truth, I do not believe this to be pure Torah observance, but it certainly is asceticism and asceticism is a good time for someone who is yet to don the full garments of Orhtodox Learning in my thoughts. I did it and I am glad I did it. I can not say that I would expect a non orthodox jew to go this far, but perhaps in your days you might wish to try this approach to shabbas for say a month or two. It means no television, no cooking, no driving and no electrical changes, computer or the like. I feel that doing so was a contract perhaps that I had with Hashem and that indeed I do feel I was rewarded. My own personal creativity as measured by writing and efforts such as painting was clearly improved during this time frame. In fact, one might argue that some of it including the painting was non existent until this time. So that said, I still happily write and paint, but I do not keep the Ultra Orthodox ways today. Thats ok I think. I can not think that the Ultra Orthodox community will agree that it is the way for everyone and of course that is not my thoughts or intent. But to me today, in a world ruled by non orthodox customs and ways, it means that I can indeed socialize freely among those who are yet to strive for a Torah Ordained way of life and perhaps I can say to these people "you really are not doing that bad at all and you just have to make a few small changes, not the entire Shabbas and not a full scope of synagogue and daily phylacterie and ten thousand other ultra orthodox customs to really live a full Jewish life. For me, I say that one really should wear tzitzis, keep one's head covered, ideally grow one's beard, daven a bit and of course be in the presence of a Mechitza when in prayer and synagogue. Trusting that you can indeed be Torah Observant is not that difficult and it does not require that your entire life be turned upside down. Keep kosher as best as you can for you are not graded on your extreme control of your diet but rather for the thoguth that you put into your dietary decisions and your adherence to at least the basic minimum: no treif, kosher meats, separation of milk and meat and kosher wines of course.
I hope that perhaps this blog will help others who are not yet thinking that an orthodox lifestyle might work for them. Truly our people were given Torah as a Life that we NEED TO ADOPT. It really is not an option. I was reading from Deuteronomy chapter 28 this evening and I must say that this is a crucial read for any orthodox or non orthodox Jew. It goes through the curses that one may indeed find if they do not adhere to the Commandments. This is a fact. The verses depict clearly that if you do not keep ALL of the Commandments, you will indeed be cursed in one way or another. That's probably something to think about. I read it and it is not something to regard as a literal but rather as a true figurative lesson in what a true curse really is. I say this. If you do not keep a commandment or you are negligent or break another commandment and you are a Jew, you will really be cursed. I could see how I was cursed in some of the manners in my lifetime over the years and I am glad to tell you that I personally believe that every curse of Deuteronomy 28 on your Jewish life can in fact be releived and remidied. But that means you must make atonement and you must indeed know and keep all of the commandments. All of them. If you are in violation of one commandment especially if it is one that you particularly know is a commandment, look at your life and look at that chapter and think about those curses in a figurative and perhaps even literal sense. They are real and they are not quasi religious gobbelty gook that really is just in a book that no "busy" person has time to read. Right? I know that the TaNaKh is a very large book and that no one can read it in even a year and retain and understand its concentration. But that said, have it in your lifetime to keep this book at your bedside and read from it periodically. Turn off the television when you are just staring aimlessly at a screen and waiting for the next stimulation from the Boob tube. Pick up TaNaKh and read a little bit. I did. It took me over a dozen or more years to pick it up from the time I was given a copy at age 16. But that said, I must say it has organized my mind and has stimulated my soul. So instead of Television all day and night or instead of worrying about every minute of your occupational existence, give this book its place in your mind and being and keep it close at hand. It really is the cornerstone of Jewish Existence and it really is your job. You are Jewish right? That surely means more than a culinary delight, family experiences and your upbringing. Its a daily experience and there is a True Creator. He is not your ancestor that he does not contribute to your future any further. This is Real Stuff. So read and learn.
I hope that perhaps this blog will help others who are not yet thinking that an orthodox lifestyle might work for them. Truly our people were given Torah as a Life that we NEED TO ADOPT. It really is not an option. I was reading from Deuteronomy chapter 28 this evening and I must say that this is a crucial read for any orthodox or non orthodox Jew. It goes through the curses that one may indeed find if they do not adhere to the Commandments. This is a fact. The verses depict clearly that if you do not keep ALL of the Commandments, you will indeed be cursed in one way or another. That's probably something to think about. I read it and it is not something to regard as a literal but rather as a true figurative lesson in what a true curse really is. I say this. If you do not keep a commandment or you are negligent or break another commandment and you are a Jew, you will really be cursed. I could see how I was cursed in some of the manners in my lifetime over the years and I am glad to tell you that I personally believe that every curse of Deuteronomy 28 on your Jewish life can in fact be releived and remidied. But that means you must make atonement and you must indeed know and keep all of the commandments. All of them. If you are in violation of one commandment especially if it is one that you particularly know is a commandment, look at your life and look at that chapter and think about those curses in a figurative and perhaps even literal sense. They are real and they are not quasi religious gobbelty gook that really is just in a book that no "busy" person has time to read. Right? I know that the TaNaKh is a very large book and that no one can read it in even a year and retain and understand its concentration. But that said, have it in your lifetime to keep this book at your bedside and read from it periodically. Turn off the television when you are just staring aimlessly at a screen and waiting for the next stimulation from the Boob tube. Pick up TaNaKh and read a little bit. I did. It took me over a dozen or more years to pick it up from the time I was given a copy at age 16. But that said, I must say it has organized my mind and has stimulated my soul. So instead of Television all day and night or instead of worrying about every minute of your occupational existence, give this book its place in your mind and being and keep it close at hand. It really is the cornerstone of Jewish Existence and it really is your job. You are Jewish right? That surely means more than a culinary delight, family experiences and your upbringing. Its a daily experience and there is a True Creator. He is not your ancestor that he does not contribute to your future any further. This is Real Stuff. So read and learn.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Praying without the Mechitza
I talk to many reform and conservative Jews and their attitude is that the orthodox are restrictive and don't have their own feelings in mind. They like to pray in mixed congregations of men sitting with woman and see not the trouble that it does cause for your own life and for the people Israel.
That may be their right of course.
But I will put it to you this way.
If you are a man and you dont have the Mechitza to shield you from the troubles of praying in mixed company, its like walking around without a belt on. You may be ok or you may think you are OK, but that said, your pants may fall off. I mean your proverbial pants of course.
And for the ladies, I liken mixed congregational prayer to dancing with your eyes closed the entire time. You may feel good and you may do your best dancing, but you'll never know where you are on the dance floor and you might even be bumping into people as well. So be safe folks and keep the mechitza in your life.
That may be their right of course.
But I will put it to you this way.
If you are a man and you dont have the Mechitza to shield you from the troubles of praying in mixed company, its like walking around without a belt on. You may be ok or you may think you are OK, but that said, your pants may fall off. I mean your proverbial pants of course.
And for the ladies, I liken mixed congregational prayer to dancing with your eyes closed the entire time. You may feel good and you may do your best dancing, but you'll never know where you are on the dance floor and you might even be bumping into people as well. So be safe folks and keep the mechitza in your life.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Get with the Program: Count the Omer
This is a new year and I think I am going to do my best to count the Omer are the truly religious and righteous Jews do each year. The Omer is the count beginning the 2nd day of Passover for 49 days until the coming of Shavuot. This is a skill that I believe one may not learn until later in their life.
That said it is supposed to be a time of personal reflection and strengthening. Lets see if I can do it and do it well this year.
I found the following site on
This gives you something new to do every day of the OMER. I marked it as my home page. If I do this, I think I can make sure that I dont forget a single day of the OMER. This is a great day and age because counting 50 days is really not a simple task and one might forget to count a day once.
If you forget to count a day of the omer which each day after sundown, you say a Bracha for each day, you must continue counting but you do not continue saying the Bracha. The reason for this I believe is that if you skip a day, you lost the wand of life that you were waving in the wind. So there is no reason to keep counting.
I have never counted the Omer before but God willing, this will be my year. Wish me the best!
Another part of this process is detailed even more efficiently in the following link. Shows the "program".
That said it is supposed to be a time of personal reflection and strengthening. Lets see if I can do it and do it well this year.
I found the following site on
This gives you something new to do every day of the OMER. I marked it as my home page. If I do this, I think I can make sure that I dont forget a single day of the OMER. This is a great day and age because counting 50 days is really not a simple task and one might forget to count a day once.
If you forget to count a day of the omer which each day after sundown, you say a Bracha for each day, you must continue counting but you do not continue saying the Bracha. The reason for this I believe is that if you skip a day, you lost the wand of life that you were waving in the wind. So there is no reason to keep counting.
I have never counted the Omer before but God willing, this will be my year. Wish me the best!
Another part of this process is detailed even more efficiently in the following link. Shows the "program".
Saturday, April 16, 2011
My theory on todays sexual transgressions
I have to say here that the feeling I have, and I could clearly be wrong about this, but the persons of my father's generation I sense did not have the rate of premarital intercourse and abortions and the like as children do today and in my own generation. I was thinking what is it about today's society that is so different from that generation and likely generations before that. The answer I personally think is that our generation is the first generation to grow up with violence in movies and even in television programs. I really think that the constant exposure to violent television and programming desensitizes the soul and mind to the reality that sexual affairs are not proper and that our children should indeed have the idea that sexual intercourse is only for marital associated relations only. Thats my impression. Take it or leave it. If it was up to me now, I would stop making movies such as The Terminator, the Passion and all the major films that are associated with needless violence, blood and gore presentations and the horrible loud gunshooting and screaming and the like. Horror movies perhaps are also a factor, though one does not necessarilly go to a horror movie for blood and gore rather they go to be scared. But that said, I never liked the movies like Friday the 13th and Halloween. Movies like Creepshow and Poltergeist were favorites of mine.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
What is the Yetzer Hara?
Heard of this before? Sure you have. Everyone talks about satan and the devil. The Jews believe in a force called the Yetzer Hara. Its basically the Evil Inclination that every person on Earth is born. It is a voice. Not a force, not a mind and not a being. It is Satan if you want to call it that. It is the devil too. There is a force of Evil and that is your own ability to decide to listen to the Yetzer Hara. You are the force of evil. The devil or Satan is not the Force. Its just a voice.
There is a Yetzer Tov also. Its the voice in your being that tells you to do good things. Its stronger than the Yetzer Hara, but the Yetzer Hara wants to be louder. You might even hear the Yetzer Hara in your mind someday as it tries desperately to trip you up into an evil tail spin.
Where did this evil voice come from? Why, I say that our Creator Created it for your own amusement and your betterment. See, if you command authority in your own Universe, you can turn the Yetzer Hara around and make it serve you instead of its evil wishes. You can laugh at it. You can laugh at the fact that you don't let it influence your life. So God I say Created this voice.
Its the voice of the "adversary". There is no force in the Universe for evil. Evil is the person's being that they create themselves. So if God created the Yetzer Hara, why do so? I say that God created this voice to make sure that God's creation indeed does endure. You see, there must always be some opposing voice in the Universe that hates the fact that the Universe exists. Without this voice, the Universe would be a Great thing that noone would even enjoy. Everything would be good. No one would know that there could have been anything else. So now that you can see that evil voices do exist, be good and don't do the evil. That way you will enjoy a Good Universe and know that its Good too. Makes sense to me. Thanks.
There is a Yetzer Tov also. Its the voice in your being that tells you to do good things. Its stronger than the Yetzer Hara, but the Yetzer Hara wants to be louder. You might even hear the Yetzer Hara in your mind someday as it tries desperately to trip you up into an evil tail spin.
Where did this evil voice come from? Why, I say that our Creator Created it for your own amusement and your betterment. See, if you command authority in your own Universe, you can turn the Yetzer Hara around and make it serve you instead of its evil wishes. You can laugh at it. You can laugh at the fact that you don't let it influence your life. So God I say Created this voice.
Its the voice of the "adversary". There is no force in the Universe for evil. Evil is the person's being that they create themselves. So if God created the Yetzer Hara, why do so? I say that God created this voice to make sure that God's creation indeed does endure. You see, there must always be some opposing voice in the Universe that hates the fact that the Universe exists. Without this voice, the Universe would be a Great thing that noone would even enjoy. Everything would be good. No one would know that there could have been anything else. So now that you can see that evil voices do exist, be good and don't do the evil. That way you will enjoy a Good Universe and know that its Good too. Makes sense to me. Thanks.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Orthodox School kicks out Jewish young lady for participating in beauty contest.
Too provokative. That said, kicking her out of a school is unorthodox and not a very Torah preserving behavior. She should have been permitted to make her own choice, but that said, one may not have wished to be her acquaintance any longer. I would have asked her to leave the school for a 2 week period and let her continue. That way she gets to stay in the place of education ultimately and she will clearly be seen as someone who has indeed violated our Orthodox Values. To cut her entirely is completely inappropriate and stinks of the trust destroying manners that is so prevalent in many Orthodox Communities. No wonder why children go off the derech and find ways to live besides Torah. This is indeed a very horrible story and it only brings Torah to the bottom of the cabinet of Jewish life. Sad story guys. But she still was in bad form.
Too provokative. That said, kicking her out of a school is unorthodox and not a very Torah preserving behavior. She should have been permitted to make her own choice, but that said, one may not have wished to be her acquaintance any longer. I would have asked her to leave the school for a 2 week period and let her continue. That way she gets to stay in the place of education ultimately and she will clearly be seen as someone who has indeed violated our Orthodox Values. To cut her entirely is completely inappropriate and stinks of the trust destroying manners that is so prevalent in many Orthodox Communities. No wonder why children go off the derech and find ways to live besides Torah. This is indeed a very horrible story and it only brings Torah to the bottom of the cabinet of Jewish life. Sad story guys. But she still was in bad form.
Mikveh, the essential need of a True Jewish Community
Today I visited a mikveh for my very first time. Very efficient and a smart move for anyperson. Believe it or not, it came to me in a dream last night that today was the time for me to do so. I had a dream where I was troubled by a certain situation in my dream. And in the end, I had myself saying that I did this and that to rectify the situation. So what else? In my dream I had a command presented to me to "go in the river". Rivers are living waters and so are Mikvehs. I had intended to visit one at some point when the inspiration hit. It his this morning and I am proud to say that today I am spiritually purer than any other time since my very birth into the world. That's probably not a bad thing, huh?
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Founders Day
Happy Founder's Day to all of the Theta Chis internationally! Today is April 10. On April 10, 1856, Theta Chi was founded at the Old North Barracks by Arthur Chase and Frederick Norton Freeman to be a military fraternity. Vermont has never been the same.

Sunday, April 3, 2011
Why our God does not get "angry" but gets Angry
There is a God in the universe. He sits on a throne and metes justice with a sledgehammer and a pin cushion. I bet he is quite happy every moment he exists. If you mess up, you are not the devil. God gives you the rest of your lifetime to fix your problems. Through charity, chesed (kindness) and through benevolence we can aspire to change our leadership into a higher powers satisfaction. So if you can fix whatever you did wrong when you were youthful or stupid, be good and be happy. Its not on your permanent record in heaven. Its on your own record for you to recall but for you to rewrite with acts of benevolence and compassion. Be good. Tikkun Olam.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Visiting the Graveside and Cemetery
I just this past week visited a graveside and placed a stone on a friend's grave marker.
This was a nice experience. He was a great friend and dare I add I say he was indeed a Tzaddik. So that was my earning last week. I happened to pick up a ritual somewhere reading about Jewish Cemetaries that I thought I'd share with you all here on the blog as I am not certain its one that many remember or know.
I read and now do myself that you can when you go to leave the cemetery grounds; pick a few pieces of grass and then toss them over your left shoulder behind you. This has psycho spiritual ramifications that are quite necessary to do in fact as a Jew and probably for all people who visit a graveyard.
To break the grass off, you have essentially removed the life force of the grass leaves and then to toss them over your shoulder, you are saying to your own soul that you are leaving the dead behind in your life. You are going on to the world of the living. I like and admire this philosophy and it does indeed make a separation of the soul from the land of the deceased to the land of the living.
One other tid bit that I think I may make into a personal ritual. I went from the cemetery to the grocery store and bought a bottle of good proof gin. It makes sense to me. We drink to be happy and forget our troubles. I bought the gin and sipped it upon returning home. I am not dead yet and I am not going to be enjoying the day that I have to indeed visit the places of rest of others. So to have a spill of gin or other spirits makes your soul lighter and that is what you need upon visiting the places of the graves of the dead.
This was a nice experience. He was a great friend and dare I add I say he was indeed a Tzaddik. So that was my earning last week. I happened to pick up a ritual somewhere reading about Jewish Cemetaries that I thought I'd share with you all here on the blog as I am not certain its one that many remember or know.
I read and now do myself that you can when you go to leave the cemetery grounds; pick a few pieces of grass and then toss them over your left shoulder behind you. This has psycho spiritual ramifications that are quite necessary to do in fact as a Jew and probably for all people who visit a graveyard.
To break the grass off, you have essentially removed the life force of the grass leaves and then to toss them over your shoulder, you are saying to your own soul that you are leaving the dead behind in your life. You are going on to the world of the living. I like and admire this philosophy and it does indeed make a separation of the soul from the land of the deceased to the land of the living.
One other tid bit that I think I may make into a personal ritual. I went from the cemetery to the grocery store and bought a bottle of good proof gin. It makes sense to me. We drink to be happy and forget our troubles. I bought the gin and sipped it upon returning home. I am not dead yet and I am not going to be enjoying the day that I have to indeed visit the places of rest of others. So to have a spill of gin or other spirits makes your soul lighter and that is what you need upon visiting the places of the graves of the dead.
Palestinians and their Providence
I must say here that the people who call themselves palestinians are not on Arab land. They are on Jewish land. This is a fact. The Jewish people want their homeland. All of it. But that said, I see no reason to force the arab peoples out of Israel. Will there be a palesintian state? I say only if God allows it to be. That is how I believe. So thus, if as I may think that perhaps it is not meant to be, maybe by the year 2060 CE, the arabic people may realize that it is just not meant to be. That would be my fore drawn conclusion. So thus, I would think that the arabs must ask themselves if God really wants them to live on Jewish soil. Probably not forever huh? Maybe but maybe not. I think that by 2060 people will realize that palestine is not the name for the Holy Land. And then if it would be in the generosity of the arab peoples, give us back our land. Give us Gaza and Give us the entire West bank. Leave your places of self serving thoughts of a right to our land and repopulate the other arab nations. Only then will there clearly be peace. That said, in that day, take your Dome of the Rock with you. Then our people can build a True Temple on its stead and we can indeed do our job to be human beings with a mission to fully recognize our potential before Hashem. That is my take on the entire situation in the Holy land and it really took only three blog enteries to get the entire thought process on the record. Thanks.
I hereby declare that I am personally at war with Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist judaism as they have all declared WAR on the Mechitza. I hope that you judge me fairly and see that I did not start the war.
Why I do not anticipate we are any where near having a possible Third and Final Temple in Jerusalem
Indeed the Dome of the Rock is an impressive and world known structure. Its golden top shines from atop the Mountain that is the highest point in the world, spiritually speaking. That said, I know that all Jews hope and want for another Temple so that we will again have a true Golden Age of humanity and Jewish life. Its not going to come I must tell you. I don't think that God is not or may ever be ready for such a structure. Until all of the nations make peace with the Jewish people and Israel, there would be no security for a holy True Temple. Never will that be in my years as the radical Islam runs rampant in the entire Middle East Region. That said, it could be possible but I say wait 300 years or so. It wont be until radicalism is a thing of the past and the arab nations in my opinion are completely Westernized. Perhaps that is what is the process today. But that said, as long as there is an inkling of a chance that the Holy Land will be decimated by nationalized and terror group based hatred, no such plan can be in the works. It is a safety reason that the Dome of the Rock is on the Temple Mount. This place, the holiest place in the entire planet is only going to endure with the Protection of the Arabs and the rest of the world. Israel better not launch a war and destroy the Dome. It would be the end of civilization as we know it.
Why palestinians living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are Gods plan in the current age
Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people. Always was. Always will be.
That said it was partitioned and those who want to be known as palestinians still live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. I admit that there was once a time that I as a Jew regarded this as an invasion of my home land and that I thought that even those people who really are arabs really did not have a right to our homeland in any sense. That is a truth in one sense but consider this philosophy that I am now giving much thought. If there are arabs living in the Jewish homeland, the arabs of the world will view them as arab brothers on the Jewish homeland's soil. In turn it gives Israel a population that if the decimation of our own people were to be the reality, we could too decimate these locally close peoples as well. I can assure you that no arab nation wants to see its brothers and sisters of their people die unnecessarily. So to let the arabs have a place in Israel really ensures the future of the Jewish people. They can have the west bank and they can have gaza. These are low income places now for the State of Israel. The idea that we could remove one or the other of these communities is foolish as well. If Isreal took the West Bank and make it a place of Jewish settlement, the people of Gaza I am sure would leave and go to another neighboring arab nation. In time the arabs would annhilate Israel totally. The arabs if removed from Gaza would be to the detriment of Israel as well. Thus the Palestinians would have their own entire uninterrupted border to establish a real Palestinian state. I do not think that it will be possible to ever have a real Palestinian state ever. Its just my opinion. You can really not administer a government in a two disconnected locations unless you really make peace with the Israelis. So thats it. If the palestinians want peace, they need to RECOGNIZE Israel and end the entire Hamas movement. This could happen but I do not anticipate it any time soon. Thats my take and I am free to be a Jew in the main confines of the Jewish State if I so choose. Make sense?
That said it was partitioned and those who want to be known as palestinians still live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. I admit that there was once a time that I as a Jew regarded this as an invasion of my home land and that I thought that even those people who really are arabs really did not have a right to our homeland in any sense. That is a truth in one sense but consider this philosophy that I am now giving much thought. If there are arabs living in the Jewish homeland, the arabs of the world will view them as arab brothers on the Jewish homeland's soil. In turn it gives Israel a population that if the decimation of our own people were to be the reality, we could too decimate these locally close peoples as well. I can assure you that no arab nation wants to see its brothers and sisters of their people die unnecessarily. So to let the arabs have a place in Israel really ensures the future of the Jewish people. They can have the west bank and they can have gaza. These are low income places now for the State of Israel. The idea that we could remove one or the other of these communities is foolish as well. If Isreal took the West Bank and make it a place of Jewish settlement, the people of Gaza I am sure would leave and go to another neighboring arab nation. In time the arabs would annhilate Israel totally. The arabs if removed from Gaza would be to the detriment of Israel as well. Thus the Palestinians would have their own entire uninterrupted border to establish a real Palestinian state. I do not think that it will be possible to ever have a real Palestinian state ever. Its just my opinion. You can really not administer a government in a two disconnected locations unless you really make peace with the Israelis. So thats it. If the palestinians want peace, they need to RECOGNIZE Israel and end the entire Hamas movement. This could happen but I do not anticipate it any time soon. Thats my take and I am free to be a Jew in the main confines of the Jewish State if I so choose. Make sense?
Unscrewing the lightbulb in your refridgerator on Shabbas
I actually unscrewed the light bulbs on my refridgerator today. I was accepting that I will use shabbas electricity. I noticed that items that were muktzah were no longer really annoying me not to be touched. So I ended up in the kitchen. I unscrewed the light bulb on my refridgerator. I felt more healthy and happier. I guess electricity is not off limits on shabbas for me. But that said, I don't think I'm going to just randomly turn on the lights or anything of the sort unless I really need that appliance etc. Its still not the most happy measure for your soul to see an electrical connection made on shabbas. That said, I am not a militant extremist. If the use of electricity will put my mind at ease on shabbas. I will write my note on heresy and good fortune or otherwise make a change of the radio or whatever and so forth. This makes sense to me and now when they ask me how well I keep shabbas, I will just say that I unscrew the lights on my refridgerator. That will give the people who want to think I am "perfect" what they want and to the one's who don't keep that tradition, it will open up the floor for discussion. Neat huh?
The Problem with Youngstown and why it is still a dark place for Jews
Youngstown is a great town and don't get me wrong, but there is no daily minyan at their synagogue. I would even go once every few months if there was to help out. That said, no place on earth that exists as a community is right for a True Orthodox Jewish population if there is not DAILY MINYAN. I think this is true of a lot of places now remaining in Europe as well, but fortunately, this can indeed be changed and that is of course my hope in the future.
Save to say Youngstown is a great American Community. I would visit and have a good time there. The Younstown State University even has a Jewish Studied program now and that is great. So lets get some more orthodox Jews to go to Youngstown or better yet, change the affiliation of the reform and conservative Jews who already live there and make the keep a daily true Orthodox Minyan. Believe it or not, that changes the entire spirit of the vicinity and it will be a true home to the Jewish people as well. Thanks.
Save to say Youngstown is a great American Community. I would visit and have a good time there. The Younstown State University even has a Jewish Studied program now and that is great. So lets get some more orthodox Jews to go to Youngstown or better yet, change the affiliation of the reform and conservative Jews who already live there and make the keep a daily true Orthodox Minyan. Believe it or not, that changes the entire spirit of the vicinity and it will be a true home to the Jewish people as well. Thanks.
Learning how to say and write the idea of the Reform Community's centers of worship
As you know, the reform movement chooses to call its place of worship a "temple". This is all good and fun. But its not the Temple. Its a temple. Did you see that. I did not capitalized the word. So that's how I will here forth write this term. So have fun in your temple if that is your choice. But I await the True Temple in Israel for the future of humanity. Thanks!
In speaking of such a place, I will place a slightly less emphasis on the first syllable and thus it is rendered uncapitlized in speech as well.
In speaking of such a place, I will place a slightly less emphasis on the first syllable and thus it is rendered uncapitlized in speech as well.
The See-Through Generation
I must hereby coin the following adage for the times ahead.
The see-through generation.
This is today's group of young adults who desperately run to the online dating sites in hopes that they may find a match. True its a good way to know that another person does in fact exist. That said, you are not going to be a part of their family prior to their introduction to your life. You view an online add and you look at their pretty face or their pretty prose and jump up and down in your bedroom thinking you met "the one". Maybe you did. But its not for me. I will forgo marriage as long as it does take so that when I meet a real woman, I am in favor of her family and her soul. To see a woman on a computer screen and go for a hook up is just a way to be savvy about the types of ladies you are going to meet. That's really fine as far as the world cares, right. But to think that that is the way of the ages you are completely out of your skull.
It was fun when I got to browse some of the personal adds. I met a total of four ladies on the Jdate program many years gone by. None were the right person for me.
That said, its only a matter of time before you really meet your true mate. Dont wake up when you are 24 years old and decide its time to marry. That's fine if you really must do so, but to say you are going to meet someone on an online site is foolish. I'd say that if you are not Jewish, online dating is very smart. But for those of you who are Jews, stay away from this foolish sacrifice of human relationships. It might be a fun way to meet someone, but don't get your hopes up. And oh yea, I think that putting your photograph up on a jewish dating web site is the most desperate act of a desperate mind. You owe it to your mother and father to keep their prize and joy out of the funny papers of life. If you are on an online web page looking for your besheret, I say you are the joke of the ages. You might find her. You might be successful. I guess some really are. But that said, the Jewish community has existed for thousands of years and we did not have online dating. So guess what. If you believe in God, then you realize that online dating is just a cheap flaky way to go. God will give you your besheret when its time. And no, I dont do Jdate anymore. Thanks!
The see-through generation.
This is today's group of young adults who desperately run to the online dating sites in hopes that they may find a match. True its a good way to know that another person does in fact exist. That said, you are not going to be a part of their family prior to their introduction to your life. You view an online add and you look at their pretty face or their pretty prose and jump up and down in your bedroom thinking you met "the one". Maybe you did. But its not for me. I will forgo marriage as long as it does take so that when I meet a real woman, I am in favor of her family and her soul. To see a woman on a computer screen and go for a hook up is just a way to be savvy about the types of ladies you are going to meet. That's really fine as far as the world cares, right. But to think that that is the way of the ages you are completely out of your skull.
It was fun when I got to browse some of the personal adds. I met a total of four ladies on the Jdate program many years gone by. None were the right person for me.
That said, its only a matter of time before you really meet your true mate. Dont wake up when you are 24 years old and decide its time to marry. That's fine if you really must do so, but to say you are going to meet someone on an online site is foolish. I'd say that if you are not Jewish, online dating is very smart. But for those of you who are Jews, stay away from this foolish sacrifice of human relationships. It might be a fun way to meet someone, but don't get your hopes up. And oh yea, I think that putting your photograph up on a jewish dating web site is the most desperate act of a desperate mind. You owe it to your mother and father to keep their prize and joy out of the funny papers of life. If you are on an online web page looking for your besheret, I say you are the joke of the ages. You might find her. You might be successful. I guess some really are. But that said, the Jewish community has existed for thousands of years and we did not have online dating. So guess what. If you believe in God, then you realize that online dating is just a cheap flaky way to go. God will give you your besheret when its time. And no, I dont do Jdate anymore. Thanks!
Coarse language to follow: Another social illness
Here's another social illness:
Steak knife in the Ass syndrome-
This is where the person thinks that he or maybe even a she is shitting a million dollars each time they speak to you. They think that their ideas and their way of life is the highway of humanity and if you are different or have another need, you are a troubled mind. I found this among say some of my reform minded Jews. They just don't want to know that Orthodox Jewish ways are the True Way of God.
So that said, its like they have a steak knife up their rectum. This means that when they defecate in their proverbial manner, they really feel the cold steel of the knife in their rectal orifice and cavity and they confuse it for the actual defecation of cold hard cash. It's not that and it never will be.
Steak knife in the Ass syndrome-
This is where the person thinks that he or maybe even a she is shitting a million dollars each time they speak to you. They think that their ideas and their way of life is the highway of humanity and if you are different or have another need, you are a troubled mind. I found this among say some of my reform minded Jews. They just don't want to know that Orthodox Jewish ways are the True Way of God.
So that said, its like they have a steak knife up their rectum. This means that when they defecate in their proverbial manner, they really feel the cold steel of the knife in their rectal orifice and cavity and they confuse it for the actual defecation of cold hard cash. It's not that and it never will be.
Cotton Head Syndrome
Back to the social illness section of this blog as I had many weeks ago been blogging.
Here is another one I will describe here in:
Cotton Head Syndrome: This is when someone has read about you in the comic book or funny pages section of life and continues to keep you there in his or her own mind. Be it that you did something foolish as a child or that you were guilty of some wrong doing which you paid your pennance. Still when this person greets you they immediately refer back to the said time in your life and do not get on with the rest of the story. So I find this quite a bit with people having been once in the hospital for a mental health trouble in the past. It is not very polite and you will never be my favorite person on the planet. I doubt that you are going to be in my life very much and if this is how I am to be remembered on my entire lifetime of acheivement, you are a whore. Thanks.
Here is another one I will describe here in:
Cotton Head Syndrome: This is when someone has read about you in the comic book or funny pages section of life and continues to keep you there in his or her own mind. Be it that you did something foolish as a child or that you were guilty of some wrong doing which you paid your pennance. Still when this person greets you they immediately refer back to the said time in your life and do not get on with the rest of the story. So I find this quite a bit with people having been once in the hospital for a mental health trouble in the past. It is not very polite and you will never be my favorite person on the planet. I doubt that you are going to be in my life very much and if this is how I am to be remembered on my entire lifetime of acheivement, you are a whore. Thanks.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Well folks, I did it. I went to the reform temple. Its been likely 3-4 years or so since the last time I was in that participation. It was nice at first, I saw some nice people and said hello. I even sat down and really did not think about the fact that there was no separation between the men and women. I did of course think of it once or twice but that said, we were in the back corner and no women were sitting any where near out position.
That was ok. They opened the service and they said a blessing over the candles.
There was a song and I enjoyed hearing the cantor who even sounded better tonight give a very nice 2 song bit.
But then somthing happened...
We had to stand for the beginning prayers. A quasi kaddish of sorts. I did stand and did not recite it myself but listened in. In about 4 lines I noticed that my forehead felt as if it was on Fire. I realized after a few minutes how horrible I physically mentally and spiritually was feeling. I touched my forehead with my hand and the symptoms subsided. That was ok. But I realized at that point it was because there was no separation between the men and the ladies.
This made me think that perhaps I could touch my head when I had the symptoms in the future.
Then I reread the title of the prayer and the symptoms returned. I got up and left the congregation. I went out and it seemed ok for a little bit. I spoke to a congregant and he was a nice fellow. I told him that I was in fact an orthodox Jew and could not feel healthy in that situation thought I had not anticipated how horrible it would be.
So guess what, this nice guy gave me the idea that I could go in the adjoining sanctuary that was closed off from the main synagogue area and pray on my own and listen to the service. It did work. Sort of.
I stayed in a dark sanctuary alone for about 10 minutes or so. I said a few prayers and felt ok. I felt orthodox again. But I did not stay there that long. Being in a room by onesself that is so large did not feel very prosperous so I left and went into the lobby and thought I'd either return to the empty synagogue room or just wait it out. That was ok.
My mother came out and spoke to me. I told her that I was thinking I'd wait until the sermon and then go back to the congregation and hear what this rabbi had to say.
That was seemingly ok. I did not relish standing for 30 minutes or so in a lobby but I was willing to do so since I wanted to hear a sermon and I thought mom and dad were having a good time.
So that was that.
But I will report here that we were in conversation with a woman who is married to one of the clergy in the lobby and in fact the symptoms returned about as bad as they were in the first place.
I told my mother I needed to leave and In fact I really did need to leave.
Perhaps I could have waited outside of the building, but I soon realized that just being in a building without a mechitza when a good amount of Jewish souls tried to pray our prayers was detrimental to my sanity and my soul.
It is this folks.
To get rid of a mechitza is to invite death to your life. I feel that had I stayed in that service, perhaps my own life might end three years sooner. If I did it my whole life I say 10 or whatever less years of living.
The orthodox very much do live longer lives. Its a fact that noone can dispute.
That said, I am healing now.
I got home and I still felt the pain. I wondered if the only way to get rid of the symptoms was to go to a Torah Congregation with a Mechitza which maybe I could do on Sunday. Maybe I still will.
That said, I picked up my tefillin and placed the enclosed Tefillin in their box container on my forehead and my arm. This helped. I kept it there for about 1-2 minutes and I must report that I felt true healing.
I am ok guys. I hope that my life was not shortened. Not much I hope.
That said, I can assure you that this orthodox jew will now never ever again set foot in a Reform or Conservative or other non orthodox congregation for the rest of my days unless there is some God awful reason such as maybe a death. I do not think I would even go for that.
I wont be able to attend a reform wedding either I think. It just hurts that bad.
So guys. If you want Death, keep the mechitza out of your days. But if you want Life, a mechitza is absolute.
The idea of being in this symptomatic state made me feel that the entire situation was Deadly. It is.
I never felt this way when I was a younger adult and in that situation. I liked the enlightening experience and perceived that I was a good person and healthy Jew. I was not really that healthy if that is what happens.
Thats the topic now guys. Mechitzas much be reestablished at least if you want to be a human being that loves Torah you must have one.
Say what you want, but I must profess that being in that lobby I realized that the entire congregation hated Torah as they hated a mechitza to not have one present. Thats the hatred that filled the building and it seemed to get worse.
I will write to the rabbis and tell them that I am sorry I can never return.
A sad learning experiences but now evidence of the deadly nature of non orthodox beliefs.
That was ok. They opened the service and they said a blessing over the candles.
There was a song and I enjoyed hearing the cantor who even sounded better tonight give a very nice 2 song bit.
But then somthing happened...
We had to stand for the beginning prayers. A quasi kaddish of sorts. I did stand and did not recite it myself but listened in. In about 4 lines I noticed that my forehead felt as if it was on Fire. I realized after a few minutes how horrible I physically mentally and spiritually was feeling. I touched my forehead with my hand and the symptoms subsided. That was ok. But I realized at that point it was because there was no separation between the men and the ladies.
This made me think that perhaps I could touch my head when I had the symptoms in the future.
Then I reread the title of the prayer and the symptoms returned. I got up and left the congregation. I went out and it seemed ok for a little bit. I spoke to a congregant and he was a nice fellow. I told him that I was in fact an orthodox Jew and could not feel healthy in that situation thought I had not anticipated how horrible it would be.
So guess what, this nice guy gave me the idea that I could go in the adjoining sanctuary that was closed off from the main synagogue area and pray on my own and listen to the service. It did work. Sort of.
I stayed in a dark sanctuary alone for about 10 minutes or so. I said a few prayers and felt ok. I felt orthodox again. But I did not stay there that long. Being in a room by onesself that is so large did not feel very prosperous so I left and went into the lobby and thought I'd either return to the empty synagogue room or just wait it out. That was ok.
My mother came out and spoke to me. I told her that I was thinking I'd wait until the sermon and then go back to the congregation and hear what this rabbi had to say.
That was seemingly ok. I did not relish standing for 30 minutes or so in a lobby but I was willing to do so since I wanted to hear a sermon and I thought mom and dad were having a good time.
So that was that.
But I will report here that we were in conversation with a woman who is married to one of the clergy in the lobby and in fact the symptoms returned about as bad as they were in the first place.
I told my mother I needed to leave and In fact I really did need to leave.
Perhaps I could have waited outside of the building, but I soon realized that just being in a building without a mechitza when a good amount of Jewish souls tried to pray our prayers was detrimental to my sanity and my soul.
It is this folks.
To get rid of a mechitza is to invite death to your life. I feel that had I stayed in that service, perhaps my own life might end three years sooner. If I did it my whole life I say 10 or whatever less years of living.
The orthodox very much do live longer lives. Its a fact that noone can dispute.
That said, I am healing now.
I got home and I still felt the pain. I wondered if the only way to get rid of the symptoms was to go to a Torah Congregation with a Mechitza which maybe I could do on Sunday. Maybe I still will.
That said, I picked up my tefillin and placed the enclosed Tefillin in their box container on my forehead and my arm. This helped. I kept it there for about 1-2 minutes and I must report that I felt true healing.
I am ok guys. I hope that my life was not shortened. Not much I hope.
That said, I can assure you that this orthodox jew will now never ever again set foot in a Reform or Conservative or other non orthodox congregation for the rest of my days unless there is some God awful reason such as maybe a death. I do not think I would even go for that.
I wont be able to attend a reform wedding either I think. It just hurts that bad.
So guys. If you want Death, keep the mechitza out of your days. But if you want Life, a mechitza is absolute.
The idea of being in this symptomatic state made me feel that the entire situation was Deadly. It is.
I never felt this way when I was a younger adult and in that situation. I liked the enlightening experience and perceived that I was a good person and healthy Jew. I was not really that healthy if that is what happens.
Thats the topic now guys. Mechitzas much be reestablished at least if you want to be a human being that loves Torah you must have one.
Say what you want, but I must profess that being in that lobby I realized that the entire congregation hated Torah as they hated a mechitza to not have one present. Thats the hatred that filled the building and it seemed to get worse.
I will write to the rabbis and tell them that I am sorry I can never return.
A sad learning experiences but now evidence of the deadly nature of non orthodox beliefs.
Visiting a synagogue that has no mechitza
[Please read comment following this article. The ideas here written no longer are accurate and were a scientific exploration of truth and health in our Universe prior to an actual visit to a jewish place of worship that did not have a mechitza.]
There are many who will tell you that you never should set foot in any "godless" place such as a reform or conservative synagogue if you are REALLY an orthodox jew. Just as these people will never enter a church. They will also never attend a service where there is no mechitza. This is truly a trustworthy thing to consider. That said, I must say that if you were someplace where going to a real Orthodox synagogue was not possible or even if you just really wanted to visit the reform or conservative communities on shabbas, it is not a whoredom to arrange this and be in a congregation of non separated men and women. Surely God is not stupid and did not prevent the formation of these non aligned forms of Jewish worship. Don't you believe that God is indeed in control of the Universe? He is. So if God will let the people build such a structure, it must mean that God does not believe our people will suffer immensely if we happened to visit such a place.
I had for a while and as a result of knowing a radical heretic of the seemingly orthodox movement decided never to attend another service in one of these places. I must confer with you all that I say never say never. I am dressed today to go to a Reform Service I surmise as its my grandmothers yahrzeit. I no longer have an orthodox congregation in my vicinity that I can attend. So I guess once in a while its Reform.
And I guess that after a full year and a month of not driving or riding in a motor vehicle during shabbas hours, it looks like I'll let my father and mother drive me to the Temple.
One other topic. The reform call their place of worship a Temple. Say it as you wish, it is a Jewish place of spiritual development. So if they want to say Temple, I am not going to tear down their healthy yearning hearts that all do love their Temples. No its not the Temple in Jerusalem. Many of the orthodox and even conservative Jews attack Reform Jews for having a "temple". This is actually narcissism. It is not Torah. So I'll be going to the Temple and I'll call it a temple or place of worship. Can I call it a shul? I say you can do that as well. But its not a Real Orthodox Shul and clearly I really don't think any person is going to be confused.
Praying without a mechitza is dangerous however, I must say I wish that it was not the problem with Jewish leadership today that we have places without this essential and must of a separation of men and women during times of worship. I can say the prayers of course, but my head and my heart will not be holier in the end of the song. It won't be as if I am a criminal. Not that at all. But the leaders of the past who did rip down this barrier are Criminals in my mind. Sadly in this day and age it is impossible to think that they will ever put one back up again and thats how we live. There are many insipid folks who hate that there is a separation. So I guess this is the place for them to go.
So I hope that tonight the orthodox don't hate me for davening per se without a mechitza (its really not davening at this point if there is no separation. Its more like attending a sports festival really). And I hope that the Reform and many someday too conservative dont mock or ridicule a self professed orthodox jew for being in their company in the worship of God.
There are many who will tell you that you never should set foot in any "godless" place such as a reform or conservative synagogue if you are REALLY an orthodox jew. Just as these people will never enter a church. They will also never attend a service where there is no mechitza. This is truly a trustworthy thing to consider. That said, I must say that if you were someplace where going to a real Orthodox synagogue was not possible or even if you just really wanted to visit the reform or conservative communities on shabbas, it is not a whoredom to arrange this and be in a congregation of non separated men and women. Surely God is not stupid and did not prevent the formation of these non aligned forms of Jewish worship. Don't you believe that God is indeed in control of the Universe? He is. So if God will let the people build such a structure, it must mean that God does not believe our people will suffer immensely if we happened to visit such a place.
I had for a while and as a result of knowing a radical heretic of the seemingly orthodox movement decided never to attend another service in one of these places. I must confer with you all that I say never say never. I am dressed today to go to a Reform Service I surmise as its my grandmothers yahrzeit. I no longer have an orthodox congregation in my vicinity that I can attend. So I guess once in a while its Reform.
And I guess that after a full year and a month of not driving or riding in a motor vehicle during shabbas hours, it looks like I'll let my father and mother drive me to the Temple.
One other topic. The reform call their place of worship a Temple. Say it as you wish, it is a Jewish place of spiritual development. So if they want to say Temple, I am not going to tear down their healthy yearning hearts that all do love their Temples. No its not the Temple in Jerusalem. Many of the orthodox and even conservative Jews attack Reform Jews for having a "temple". This is actually narcissism. It is not Torah. So I'll be going to the Temple and I'll call it a temple or place of worship. Can I call it a shul? I say you can do that as well. But its not a Real Orthodox Shul and clearly I really don't think any person is going to be confused.
Praying without a mechitza is dangerous however, I must say I wish that it was not the problem with Jewish leadership today that we have places without this essential and must of a separation of men and women during times of worship. I can say the prayers of course, but my head and my heart will not be holier in the end of the song. It won't be as if I am a criminal. Not that at all. But the leaders of the past who did rip down this barrier are Criminals in my mind. Sadly in this day and age it is impossible to think that they will ever put one back up again and thats how we live. There are many insipid folks who hate that there is a separation. So I guess this is the place for them to go.
So I hope that tonight the orthodox don't hate me for davening per se without a mechitza (its really not davening at this point if there is no separation. Its more like attending a sports festival really). And I hope that the Reform and many someday too conservative dont mock or ridicule a self professed orthodox jew for being in their company in the worship of God.
Joya De Nicarauga is growing on me
I went to the cigar shop last night and arrived at around 7 PM. I took a Joya De Nicarauga smoke from the humidor and it was probably about $8.35 I think. I must report that this cigar actually lasted me about 2 hours or maybe even more. I was still smoking it areound 9:20 PM. Is that crazy or what. And they tasted very good as well. So call it my plan to smoke many more.
Grave Side Day Visit
I went to the Jewish section of the cemetary today. I must say its nearly the six year yarhzeit of a good friend of my years in the past. I must say I visited 5 graves. One I knew and the others I just happened to find the divine spirit guide me to their visitation. I prayed for intercession and talked to the cemetary plots. I think thats normal, don't you? I did not think that the ghost of any of these persons would rise, but that said, their being still exists in some form or another and I bet that their minds are in the world to come and near to our Creator in their lives. So that said, I actually asked the graves of at least four of them to interceded with a local Person and bring that person back to Religious Torah Ways. I think it could work. Maybe they can get our Creator to send an angel. Truly God knows our problems. But that said, give the dead some credit. Thats why we bury people too. So we can not only remember them but we can talk to their grave side. This is probably why we dont cremate Jewish souls. Its not a good way to keep the idea of a grave side visit open and clearly no Jewish person would want to be in heaven without keeping his bones in the ground. Right?
Putting a Stumbling Block before the Blind
I must say that this is one of the most grievous of errors one may rudely and arrogantly do to one another in society. This is not about a man who has no visual sight. There is that as well.
The blind are any person who does not know that he has a missing conjecture in life. To think that you can not organize your life in the manner that another person can do is to render you blind and you can not see that there is a stumbling block before you when another person says something that puts you in a precarious position of not being able to make any amends, not being able to present evidence of the contrary and not being able to answer their arrogant remarks with a more humble reply that would suffice to sullen their misery or their narcissistic envy.
I had a friend who upon myself making a reproving remark to his family member tell me that I was "not well". A wise man accepts rebuke. Perhaps this family was not such a wisdom blessed happy group of persons. That said, my comments were in regard to a statement that the speaker made a comment that implied that "G-d was not right and not good". That to me is heresy and I said that it was and that the remark was incorrect. I was met with a hostile and ambitious action to remove my soul from the life of their day and to keep me from making any amends in the future.
I admit it was harsh. I am a doctor. Some of the pills we give to people are not the simplest pill to swallow. But medicine is medicine and I will not refrain from speaking a rebuke if it is indeed required to stifle heresy or ill manners.
So that said, I am now contending that I may have to share this conversation with this person if I may do so; that I felt he put a stumbling block before me when he told me after that that I was "unwell". This is because my personal wellness is not what makes me speak my piece. It is my own need for edification. And if you do not agree with me, speak your own piece. But do not let a treacherous mood beset your days.
The blind are any person who does not know that he has a missing conjecture in life. To think that you can not organize your life in the manner that another person can do is to render you blind and you can not see that there is a stumbling block before you when another person says something that puts you in a precarious position of not being able to make any amends, not being able to present evidence of the contrary and not being able to answer their arrogant remarks with a more humble reply that would suffice to sullen their misery or their narcissistic envy.
I had a friend who upon myself making a reproving remark to his family member tell me that I was "not well". A wise man accepts rebuke. Perhaps this family was not such a wisdom blessed happy group of persons. That said, my comments were in regard to a statement that the speaker made a comment that implied that "G-d was not right and not good". That to me is heresy and I said that it was and that the remark was incorrect. I was met with a hostile and ambitious action to remove my soul from the life of their day and to keep me from making any amends in the future.
I admit it was harsh. I am a doctor. Some of the pills we give to people are not the simplest pill to swallow. But medicine is medicine and I will not refrain from speaking a rebuke if it is indeed required to stifle heresy or ill manners.
So that said, I am now contending that I may have to share this conversation with this person if I may do so; that I felt he put a stumbling block before me when he told me after that that I was "unwell". This is because my personal wellness is not what makes me speak my piece. It is my own need for edification. And if you do not agree with me, speak your own piece. But do not let a treacherous mood beset your days.
Serving Fish with other meats
In the orthodox Jewish circles, there is talk about whether or not you can serve fish with a meat on the same plate. I say you really should not but it wont defy the trust God has in you to eat your meal. That said, here is my take:
Honestly, I must say I never gave it too much thought in the past, but putting a piece of fish on a plate with a steak or beef item is like dancing on your bathroom sink. You can do it and its not going to be a bad thing, but they dont swim together in life so let them exist separately. That said, you can eat a meal with both just keep them on separate serving trays and plates. Thats my own feeling. And this is just the way I feel. But the ChaBaD rabbi in my synagogue one day ran around to all the tables to make sure that no persons kept their fish on the same plate as a piece of meat we were served. I did not doubt that it was a consideration, but I never realized if it was really a priority or just really over kill and silly foolish superstition. Its not. I can not quote the laws but I know what is what. Fish and Chicken is not a big problem but Fish and Lamb is like dancing on your toilet lid. I never want to try that really. But you still wont fall in the toilet.
Fish and Chicken on the same plate is like taking a shower with marbles on the bottom of the shower stall. It wont be a trouble but dont slip on one and fall and hurt your soul. Thanks!
Honestly, I must say I never gave it too much thought in the past, but putting a piece of fish on a plate with a steak or beef item is like dancing on your bathroom sink. You can do it and its not going to be a bad thing, but they dont swim together in life so let them exist separately. That said, you can eat a meal with both just keep them on separate serving trays and plates. Thats my own feeling. And this is just the way I feel. But the ChaBaD rabbi in my synagogue one day ran around to all the tables to make sure that no persons kept their fish on the same plate as a piece of meat we were served. I did not doubt that it was a consideration, but I never realized if it was really a priority or just really over kill and silly foolish superstition. Its not. I can not quote the laws but I know what is what. Fish and Chicken is not a big problem but Fish and Lamb is like dancing on your toilet lid. I never want to try that really. But you still wont fall in the toilet.
Fish and Chicken on the same plate is like taking a shower with marbles on the bottom of the shower stall. It wont be a trouble but dont slip on one and fall and hurt your soul. Thanks!
Trusting in a True Creator that you really need to just let go and let him lead your life
In the last year or so, I happened to be busy building a library mostly of Jewish and Torah oriented books. I can not say that I am a maven about the details of the Israeli conflicts, but that said, one book I purchased was a book about the Conflict that I purchased from I purchased it among a few other titles and I admit, I had not been ready to delve into its content. In the time over a period of about 3 years or so, I purchased books several times. In another time I purchased the exact same book twice. I did not even realize what I had done. In September of 2010, I had four friends visit and they took note of some of my books on my shelf. I happened to have one friend who lauged hysterically that I had two copies of the exact same book on my book shelf. That said I have quite a slighly not too organized by title book shelf and piles of books in my bedroom. So it was not just funny, but it was crazy when a moment and a half to follow, the other friend I had over was to note that not only did I have two copies of this book, I had THREE. He somehow eagle eyed that there was a third copy of the exact same book. I thought, that is really unusual. I remembered recently purchasing what was to be the Third book. But that said, I realized at that point that something very unusual did in fact take place. I knew when I ordered my books that there was a guiding hand in my book selection. That said, a few days later, my mother and father were to leave for a small reunion of a few family members in Phoenix including my brother and sister. I had not even considered giving either a gift, but guess what? Three books means one for each of us. I can not say I am trying to push their keys into the doorway of Israeli needs, but guess what... Maybe our Creator wanted it to be that way. Could that be? Could it be that these three books were meant to be? They say that every thing in the universe and in our experiences is meant to be right? If it happened it was meant to be. So I personally believe that it was meant to be a gift. I can not say that I have been reading the book yet myself but I am certain a time will exist when I read more than the first few chapters I have so far explored.
So situation solved. I had a nice gift for my brother and sister and maybe I had some testimony of G-ds enduring love and good will and benevolence. Thats my take on this. I can't imagine a G-d in the universe would make me buy three books unless there was a real lesson to learn. So thats that. Enjoy.
So situation solved. I had a nice gift for my brother and sister and maybe I had some testimony of G-ds enduring love and good will and benevolence. Thats my take on this. I can't imagine a G-d in the universe would make me buy three books unless there was a real lesson to learn. So thats that. Enjoy.
How to read a Bible
The Bible is the Jewish book of the Tanakh. Torah, Prophets and Writings.
This is not to be confused with a Christian bible.
The Jewish Bible is a work of art. Read it. Read anything you can and enjoy.
It is not easy to find the time in your mind and being to pick up a lengthy book and know where to start, know what to read or remember the details of what you have just read either as the Bible is very troublesome to digest in its first glance.
It is not supposed to be an easy meal. Its God's words. Not the words of any wayward being.
So that said, Be good and read it. Pick the Bible up and read it. (notice that when I say Bible in the Jewish sense, I capitalize the word. The Christian bible is not the same.)
I must say I was given a Bible in my youth at age 16. I never read it at all. I knew it was a good book. I knew I would cherish its addition to my life. But I really never saw myself reading the small print in the JPS (Jewish Publication Society) Tanakh. I loved that my name was on the cover and it was embossed in Grey and Gold on a Black leather cover. That said, I never opened my Bible until I was in my late twenties.
I never read it a day when I was an employee in the service of God as a Doctor. I never read it in school though I had it for the presence of my Jewish life.
So read it.
But how dear Doctor does a small person who has no biblical knowledge yet grasp this entire volume and consume interest in God's word at the earliest of ages and before one has a seat at the life of trust in God?
To read the bible, one need only open the Book ANYWHERE. Read one or two chapters. They take about three or four minutes each. Read the words and don't worry about the details of the story (yet). Then open it to another chapter and read more.
I was given the Bible and that was a blessing. Sadly I was never given permission to really open it and learn. I would expect that if you give someone a Bible, you must also give them a Reading Assignment. Tell them to read say Judges 6. Say Proverbs 11. Anything. Just read it and begin a lifetime of love for the True Words that came from the eloquent speech of a Human Being's True God of the Universe.
And that's what a nearly forty year old physician can share with the Jewish population of tomorrow. Thanks.
This is not to be confused with a Christian bible.
The Jewish Bible is a work of art. Read it. Read anything you can and enjoy.
It is not easy to find the time in your mind and being to pick up a lengthy book and know where to start, know what to read or remember the details of what you have just read either as the Bible is very troublesome to digest in its first glance.
It is not supposed to be an easy meal. Its God's words. Not the words of any wayward being.
So that said, Be good and read it. Pick the Bible up and read it. (notice that when I say Bible in the Jewish sense, I capitalize the word. The Christian bible is not the same.)
I must say I was given a Bible in my youth at age 16. I never read it at all. I knew it was a good book. I knew I would cherish its addition to my life. But I really never saw myself reading the small print in the JPS (Jewish Publication Society) Tanakh. I loved that my name was on the cover and it was embossed in Grey and Gold on a Black leather cover. That said, I never opened my Bible until I was in my late twenties.
I never read it a day when I was an employee in the service of God as a Doctor. I never read it in school though I had it for the presence of my Jewish life.
So read it.
But how dear Doctor does a small person who has no biblical knowledge yet grasp this entire volume and consume interest in God's word at the earliest of ages and before one has a seat at the life of trust in God?
To read the bible, one need only open the Book ANYWHERE. Read one or two chapters. They take about three or four minutes each. Read the words and don't worry about the details of the story (yet). Then open it to another chapter and read more.
I was given the Bible and that was a blessing. Sadly I was never given permission to really open it and learn. I would expect that if you give someone a Bible, you must also give them a Reading Assignment. Tell them to read say Judges 6. Say Proverbs 11. Anything. Just read it and begin a lifetime of love for the True Words that came from the eloquent speech of a Human Being's True God of the Universe.
And that's what a nearly forty year old physician can share with the Jewish population of tomorrow. Thanks.
Why the "new" testament is not God's Promise
The new testament as opposed to the Quran is almost eloquent as its words and leadership descriptions are SPACIOUS.
This is actually very close to being Gods truth and trust.
But not God's trust at any length.
The words and writings in the entire new testament are not the eloquence of ANY of the books of the HEBREW Scriptures.
This is a fact.
This is also true when I speak of the Talmud as well. I am not a Talmud scholar, but it is CONJECTURE. It is not LAW by our Creator's pen. It is leadership of interest and trust in God. That makes it the word of our Leaders and with a Trust in Hashem.
This is good.
But the New Testament is not a service to God's laws or the idea that Creation is perfect.
I do believe that our Creator could ensure a virgin birth... if he really wanted to.
But to do that would be to make the message clear- Creation was NOT PERFECT. And if Creation was not perfect, neither is the future and neither is humanities purpose or relevance or its inception.
That said, humanity is the name of the purpose of Creation and the service of Trust in Hashem is our need and our mainstay.
Being eloqent is a blessing. It is not a fools parade and the heretics can not compare.
So if you like the New Testament and it makes you feel like you have another presence in the Universe, keep it close to your mind. Thats not my problem. I personally do not have a single copy in my home or anywhere in my daily life. That is fine. I once had a copy of this work and I read nearly all of it in its entirety. That was not an ungodly act either. But I can not read a book that no longer in my mind is EXACT or TRUSTWORTHY.
So call me a anti chrsitian neophyte of the backwoods of your mind, but I am in the service of my Creator as best as I know how to be and I will write what I hope the future generations will say was eloquent speech. If that's what I say and write, I was being blessed by God to create a docutment and word for the next generation and others to learn. Thats my personal belief and I hope that by sharing this with everyone, you may all realize that you, even if not Jewish can indeed have eloquent speech. Just pray to God that you can be so well endowed and realized that God does in fact make it so for humanity.
What was the Declaration of Independance? What is the United States Constitution? What about the Bill of Rights and all true documents of the service to a TRUE God? This is eloquence at its highest and more perfect form. That's our Creation for the world to prosper and enrich its soul. That's God's promise. That's our Job. And this is how God continues to RULE the Universe.
Many thanks.
This is actually very close to being Gods truth and trust.
But not God's trust at any length.
The words and writings in the entire new testament are not the eloquence of ANY of the books of the HEBREW Scriptures.
This is a fact.
This is also true when I speak of the Talmud as well. I am not a Talmud scholar, but it is CONJECTURE. It is not LAW by our Creator's pen. It is leadership of interest and trust in God. That makes it the word of our Leaders and with a Trust in Hashem.
This is good.
But the New Testament is not a service to God's laws or the idea that Creation is perfect.
I do believe that our Creator could ensure a virgin birth... if he really wanted to.
But to do that would be to make the message clear- Creation was NOT PERFECT. And if Creation was not perfect, neither is the future and neither is humanities purpose or relevance or its inception.
That said, humanity is the name of the purpose of Creation and the service of Trust in Hashem is our need and our mainstay.
Being eloqent is a blessing. It is not a fools parade and the heretics can not compare.
So if you like the New Testament and it makes you feel like you have another presence in the Universe, keep it close to your mind. Thats not my problem. I personally do not have a single copy in my home or anywhere in my daily life. That is fine. I once had a copy of this work and I read nearly all of it in its entirety. That was not an ungodly act either. But I can not read a book that no longer in my mind is EXACT or TRUSTWORTHY.
So call me a anti chrsitian neophyte of the backwoods of your mind, but I am in the service of my Creator as best as I know how to be and I will write what I hope the future generations will say was eloquent speech. If that's what I say and write, I was being blessed by God to create a docutment and word for the next generation and others to learn. Thats my personal belief and I hope that by sharing this with everyone, you may all realize that you, even if not Jewish can indeed have eloquent speech. Just pray to God that you can be so well endowed and realized that God does in fact make it so for humanity.
What was the Declaration of Independance? What is the United States Constitution? What about the Bill of Rights and all true documents of the service to a TRUE God? This is eloquence at its highest and more perfect form. That's our Creation for the world to prosper and enrich its soul. That's God's promise. That's our Job. And this is how God continues to RULE the Universe.
Many thanks.
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