Monday, February 25, 2013

Taking a tax break.

What was the trouble that there was in the past when the canopy of tricks did not open? They sense that you have a parachute that will protect your fall. I say that we have no parachute at all but that we better come out kicking.

Friday, February 15, 2013

G-d does not call the wild blue

The remarks of a person on a web site today irked me. He implied that there was no other way to get ahead in life than to be perfect. I disagree.

I wrote the following:

Your assessment of the problem is naïve and without real trust in Hashem. The reality is that the reform jews either do not understand Torah commandments in some cases or in other cases outright hate to keep our cause. If you assess them as a conscription of enchantment for your own pauper maze of activity alone, you are going to overstep your authority. G-d is not a god of trees in the corner of the wax museum. G-d does not let jews conscript others and thus your comment that they must observe or be damned is not for you as a jew to make. The reality is that we must bring them orthodoxly closer to torah. We do not share the future with the illicit trying to remark upon our own deeds as higher than the other guy. We observe because we trust in Hashem.

The comment was written that the reform jews in Israel deserve no funding for their rabbis until they keep all "613" of the mitzvot.  Since many orthodox jews are not perfect, why should we ask every other jew to be perfect.  I did not like the common sense of the fraud that was being launched at the remainder of Israel by a wicked soul wanting to disfigure jewish life based on his own commercial breaking prejudices against the jewish world that is inflamed by reform jewish society.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Who are the 70 nations?

The Bible discusses the nations. Who are these nations?

It would to the average mind seem that this refers to factions of mankind. Say, Pakistan; or Jordan.

But to me, I see things a little more esoterically.

I think that the 70 nations are things like:

Renown for Acclaim

And the list goes on, probably indefinitely, but lets just say it stops at 70.